Why her!

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Who is she? I asked with a dreary voice,I waited for an answer,I needed to know if his past and my dreams were connected.
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"Her name was charlotte barell,I don't know where she is now,but I need to find her" he said.
My heart aiked for it wasn't me who he was talking about,I don't know why I expected it to be me. Nothing is ever in my favor,my parents,my life and my love.
I don't know when,but I fell for him over the past few days,but he loved another. My face fell from a slim smile to a dreaded frown.

I cleared my throat and said,"what did you find out about charlotte barell?"
He looked up from his drink and stared at my face with a sense of misery and spoke,"Once I told my parents that Charlotte was my mate they realized that I deserved to know. They sat me down and told me about the events of a past day.I remember, that day we went for lunch to their house but there were others too,before we entered her house I sensed royalty and wrath present. Me and my parents sat outside while I could do nothing as her parents signed a paper with their eyes filled with tears. The high lord was the one forcing them to sign the contract....." Rhysand stopped,he couldn't speak without breaking so he just bent his head down and wiped a tear.

This was a sensitive topic and I respected that,but I need to know,needed to know more
"What was written in the contract?what did he want?" I asked sternly.
He looked up,amused with my interest and smiled,"why do you want to know? This isn't even about you"he said,but I knew he was lying. If wasn't about me,then he wouldn't have told me anything.

"Cut the crap and tell me what I want!" I said,loosing my temper.
"Sheesh why don't you just wait....The contract was made to give Charlotte to the high lords grandson,I've never seen the grandson but I know he wasn't meant for her,I was and I felt in my heart. Her parents were forced to sign it as he threatened to kill them,Charlotte didn't even know why her parents were crying,she just sat there with a tear sliding down her cheek. I couldn't help myself,I ran into the house and wiped her tear,the high lord stared and me and smirked,he knew I was her mate but he didn't do a thing" he said,now with his normal arrogant tone

"Who would be so cruel. I wanted to know about all this because I've been having dreams,they match your description completely but,why am I having those dreams?" I asked,my phone rang and I decided to find out who was disturbing me, it was about 6 in the morning in Seattle and I was here,late night with Rhysand in a coffee shop.

I Never expected this to happen,nor did I expect any of the other things to happen.

Amora pov
It's been a whole day since I've seen Jaliyah and I needed her now! I tried the phone at least a billion times but I never got a response. What was that girl upto!!!!
I checked my phone and there was a message.
Jaliyah: stop calling me,I'm completely fine.
Amora: where are you??
Jaliyah: I'm in the UK,but I'm completely fine,I'll be back by tomorrow..I hope.
Amora: what the hell are you doing in UK,if you wanted to go to the UK you could've told me,my parents have a private jet.....who took you there??!!!
Jaliyah: I came here with Rhysand,why are you so worried?
Amora: Rhysand!!! Is something going on that I don't know of?😍
Jaliyah: God no,If that was true,I would've asked you for the key of a room in one of your parents 5 star hotels,if u know what I mean😉
Amora: lol.....so,you aren't together?
Jaliyah: unfortunately not,he's in love with some girl called Charlotte barell😭😤
Amora: I'm sorry,but good luck doing whatever.
Jaliyah: bye then,see you tomorrow.
Amora: wait,I just remembered that we have an English assignment and its in pairs! Mrs.Sandra decided to go crazy and give us a final test.
Jaliyah: but it's the holidays!!tell me who I'm paired up with....bye
Amora: bye

(After 3 hrs) Lena pov
Well,sanderstone decided to go bonkers and give an f-ing last minute assignment, Mrs.Sandra opened the door to her class and we all entered,taking our seats. Only a few of us came,but I couldn't see Jaliyah and Rhysand at all. Amora,Bryce,Nyra,Hazel,Andrew,David,Leon were all in the class along with some other people. After an hour of bla-bla,she decided to tell us our partners.

Andrew was paired up with David, Hazel was with Leon,Bryce was with Nyra. Sanderstone,yes I call her that,was reading out other names. We were supposed to give in a case study on one was the most unknown myths or legends.
She stared at me and said,"Lena and Amora. I see we are missing a few students so let them be together,Jaliyah and Rhysand. Amora and Leon,you can tell them right?"
"Yeah",Amora and Leon said together.

I walked up to Amora and asked,"so,let's do some research at the library today in the evening?"
"Let's say, 3- ish" Amora said
"Done,I'll meet you there....bye" I said as I walked towards Leon who was laughing like a pig with David.
After getting my perfect 99% scores in the pre-finals,all I did was watch stranger things and Qauntico. I tapped on Leon's shoulder and he gave me his phone without thinking.
I opened rhysand's contact and started typing
Leon: heyyyyy!!!!!
Rhysand: what's wrong with u?
Leon: notin,I just got Amora as my English partner for our assignment
Rhysand: you like her? Isn't she with David?
Leon : yeah,so?
(After 2 minutes of awkward silence)
Rhysand: hi Lena
Leon: took you long enough jerk face,where are you?
Rhysand: out of continent,anyhow Leon told me bout the assignment,tell me who I'm paired up with.
Leon: well,since sanderstone made partners on the spot,she decided to pit the 2 absent people together,so it's you and Jaliyah
Rhysand: I'm actually here with her anyhow,you still call Sandra,sanderstone?
Leon: yup,bye

I gave the phone back to Leon and he just sighed staring at our conversation on the phone. I picked up the pace and drove back home,leaving leon without a ride.

Jaliyah pov
Rhysand and I talked for a while and we decided it was late enough,almost midnight,so we needed a place to stay for the night. That's when it struck me,I picked up my phone and called amora.
"Hey Amora,mind if I pick you up on your favor,I need a room for the night,2 please"
"I'll call my mom,I think I can get you two a room at the Cascew estate,just give me a few minutes" she said
"No prob,call me back soon" I said and cut the call.
I looked towards Rhysand,he was texting Leon for sure,but I'm debating the fact that it's Lena cause he had a confused face on.

The phone rang and I picked up,"good news,I got you guys a Neptune suite at the cascew estate,with 2 beds"
"That's great,I'll tell you about my great adventure tomorrow" I said and the line collapsed.
I stared at Rhysand giving him a deep sigh and said,"we got shelter,now all we need to do is walk till the next block and order food"

"Where are we staying?" He said with amusement on his face,he had an eyebrow raised.
"The Neptune suite in the cascew hotel......I know it's not the best,but this is all we got" I said with sarcasm,the Neptune suite was the best in the entire world. For that matter,getting a room at cascew estate was the luckiest thing that could happen.
"How did you manage that in 5 minutes?" He said smirking
"I got some great friends with me and better,it's all free"  I said picking up my bag,grabbing his hand and walking away.

We left like a movie ending where the couple leave the place happily ever after. Except we weren't a couple,I loved him but he loved someone else and we were sleeping together in the same room but,on different beds.
Yup,the perfect love story.

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