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When I shifted,it stayed for a couple of minutes but,it only happened with Rhysand's power helping me,otherwise I couldn't shift....not once.

It had been a week since I first shifted. I didn't have wings or a huge change in structure but I had the pointy ears which allowed me to hear sounds far away...even the unwanted sounds.
I've gotten better with every try,but I don't feel different like Rhysand said I would've and I think he's confused by that or just sad that he wasn't right....ego issues.
Rhysand told me everything. His history, my history, about my parents, why he came here and what he was doing, he also told me about being a fae.

I decided that settling things with Amora would be nice,so I was meeting her for dinner. Rhysand decided to drop me at the Restaurent that Amora decided to take me was her restaurant anyway,so I could eat to my hearts content.

"Its been a while,care to tell me what's going on?" I started to end the awkward silence that was never there between us before.
"I promise I will,but first you"

"No....the spotlight is on you"

"Firstly I'm sorry I couldn't catch up with you after London. After you left with Rhysand, David didn't pick up any of my calls, so I ignored him for the entire day. My English project partner was Lena and we did our project at her house. That's when I met Leon, you know with the blond hair and lena's twin. I guess I got close to Lena and Leon and I spent the weekend with them. David thinks that something is going on between me and Leon so now he's mad at me." She started explaining.

"I spent all this time with Lena and I know your mad at me for that but I didn't have anyone to talk to when you were gone and she was the only one free,so I decided to keep company while you were gone. I know your mad, but you were the one who ditched me and I only hung out with her because it reminded me of when we first became friends. I would never replace you Jaliyah" her words reassured me, I knew from then that no matter who left me,I would always have her.

A smile tugged on my lips and tears filled my eyes. Amora walked across the side of the table and hugged me tight,I hugged her back,even though her necklace was tearing at my skin. She smiled and took her seat....everyone was staring at us but I got used to the attention. You know,cause I'm hanging out with one of richest girls on campus.

"I'm sorry I ever doubted you. Can you ever forgive me?" I trembled and she nodded her head

"Your turn" she grins
"Well, remember I had a great uncle? We went to visit him. He told me that my parents were killed and so were the Roselts. People were looking for me and killed them in the process. He was my mothers elder brother,he was kicked out of the family and he tried to kill my mom later on. That's all I could find out"
I know I didn't tell her everything,but I couldn't just tell her I was fae,she wouldn't believe me. At least I wasn't lying to her?

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that,but I know you're used to it...with your history and all. Anyhow,what happened in the hotel with you two" I sighed. A gossip girl will always be a gossip girl

"Nothing happened!We killed the ego out of that receptionist.We spent the night in the hot tub. We kissed. We fell asleep on the same bed and we ate an English breakfast."
"Wait what!! You kissed! You just said that nothing happened?" she squealed
"Nothing really happened though!" I immediately said
"Okay....I believe you" she sarcastically replied....duh,it was going to take more than that to convince her,but that's all I was going to tell her today.

"So,are,together now?" She asked
"I....I don't know,but when I do,you'll be the first one to know" I said. It was the truth,I really didn't know what our relationship was. were we just friends or more? I knew I liked him but we never made it official.

"So,how did you get to London?" Amora pops out of nowhere.
"Rhysand got us a private jet...turns out I'm friends with all the rich people" yes, I lied but it's not like I can tell her we just vanished into thin air and arrived there in a second.

We talked the entire day about school,gossip,boys and the usual crap.
"Let's go to the movies tomorrow,just me and you" she asked
"I'd love to but no way,finals are next Tuesday,I need to learn something to pass" I shrugged
"Guess that means I'll have to study too then"
" studying,that's a joke" I laughed,almost falling off of my seat.
"Yeah....but I think Bryce is free"

"What about David?aren't you guys gonna talk" I asked....he was our best friend,both of them had to figure this out.

"And there's that too.......he's just jealous that I'm spending time with Leon. He never acted like this when I hung out with Bryce. I don't know what I ever saw in him, I guess he was meant to only be a friend" she continued.

"Give him a chance,talk to him tomorrow"


"I didn't bring my car" I said looking through my bag if I could find some extra cash for a cab
"No prob,I brought mine" she chirps
"Yeah,but I'm not going back to the university,I'm heading towards Rhysands place" Amora gives me a raised eyebrow.
"I'll drop you at his place then and you guys can do whatever you want to"She winked at me and I rolled my eyes.


"Do I have to?" I whine
"Unless you want to fail life and die eating garbage?" He mocked me
"Fine,I'll study" I grunted. he knew I was avoiding my books cause I was scared of failing but I guess avoiding it is worse.

He dropped me off at my dorm and I read my way to sleep

David's pov
I can't believe that she's late,again! She spends all her time with Lena and Leon,she doesn't have room for me anymore. I never minded about it when she had fun with the others but she just flirts her way around Leon like she doesn't have a boyfriend,but she does...its me!!

I still can't believe that after all we've been through,she's making me wait in this fancy Italian restaurent all alone while she has fun with some other guy and his sister. I thought that we were here to discuss things.

I got up and walked around when a guys shoulder bumped mine

"Sorry man" a deep voice echoes through my mind. His voice.

Without thinking I turn around and grab him by the collar.
"I said I'm sorry...calm down" Leon answers
I loosen my grip on his collar and put my hand down
"You must be David,Amora told me about you but she never mentioned a hot head" he jokes as his hands go through his blonde hair.

The minute her name came out of his mouth I couldn't take it anymore. I punched him.

I hear a sharp gasp and then a shout in my ear but I couldn't process any of it.

"stop it! Both of you" Amora shouted
A slap lands on my face and Leon walked away,cursing me.
"I can't believe that you would do that,I came all the way from my family dinner for you and you're here making a mess at MY restaurant! I don't even want to talk to you right now"

"Amora...." I didn't know what to say.

"Don't. Come back to me when you get your senses back!" She whispered and turned her back to me,she never did that

"I apologize for the mess,send any payments required to my account and I'm sorry for the disturbance,I'll pay for everyone's meals here" Amora said to the customers, gave me a disappointing look and walked away.

Only the clicking sounds of her heels against the tile floor filled my ear. The world was blank.

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