Sleepless nights

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"Do you hate me?" That question ringed in my head and it felt as if my nerves exploded. He thought I hated him? After I was the one who kissed him,I was the one who accepted his fae mythology,after I loved him,after all that,he thought I hated him. I didn't know what to do,my thoughts exploded and tears covered my vision. All I could think,all I could breathe,all I could hear and all I could see was him hating me. My heart ached,it was the first time I fell in love and he thought I hated him....

There were lights everywhere and I couldn't see straight. I ran inside the black building and I saw him. Everything around me paused,I saw him. My focus went back to normal,he was the one that was there for me,he was the one I loved. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and I could hear his,they were alike,they were one.
I ran away from those monsters,my energy was completely drained,my legs were sore and my veins pulled on my skin. I fell to the floor but I needed to get away,I needed to find him,I lost him once but not again. I slowly crouched back up and my dreary voice whispered,"I love you,I'll follow you to hell and back". I turned around and ran through the vicious crowd,their was a reaking smell of perfume and alcohol,the lights were blinding me and the music was pounding in my ears. I couldn't think straight,I ran for a mile to get away and my body was collapsing,I couldn't speak. I saw his face but he never saw me,I crashed into a man and that was it,my mind went blank.

No,it was the second time I fell in love,my dreams were true. That girl was me? If my dreams are true,then so is my connection with him. Our collision was meant to happen.

I cleared my thought and blinked away the tears and saw a sad Rhysand staring at me.
"I just thought that.....after you hadn't asked me why I told you about the fae situation,why you were sad when I mentioned Charlotte barell,why you didn't give me any snarky comeback. I just thought that you started hating me" he said

"First of ALL,I don't hate you....but,I know your hiding something. I didn't ask about the fae thing,cause I knew it was real,my heart told me so,I believe in you. I wanted to do all the questioning in a safe place,where passing by people wouldn't hear us,I wanted to ask you tonight." I said with a confident,roaring voice. Showed him what he meant to me.

"I need to apologize to you, I came into your life without your permission and I told you things you didn't want to know,I'm sorry Jaliyah,for all the harm I pushed onto you,all the fire I made you breathe" he trembled

"You've never hurt me and I wanted to know more. You didn't need permission cause I already accepted you" I said,now in a softer tone.

"You did?" He whispered with a "why?" Following
"What do you mean by why? Why you let me into your thoughts?why you made sure I didn't fall? Why you were there when I was drowning? Why you kept an eye on me? Why you cared for me? What do you mean by why,I should be the one asking you that!" I yelled at him.

My words slapped his face,his eyes widened and the water grew colder by the second,did I break him or did I awake him?I didn't know.

"I believe you,I don't know why. I came to another continent,I don't know how. I trusted you,even though you never talked to me. I climbed the bike,when I was scared of you. Why?" I was literally crying,

Rhysand's face lifted and his eyes locked into mine. He leaned forward,I didn't want a kiss,I wanted answers,so I pushed him back and said,"I might be in love with you,but you don't deserve to kiss me until you tell me WHY!"

"Fine" he whispered,the only thing that he said till now that made by heart slowed down into its regular pace

"I think you know the truth" he said.
My anger bursted.
"No shit Sherlock,I can tell that your a fae,but why did you tell me?" I asked with my arrogance back.
"I love you,that's the truth" he said,his face relaxed.
"Then what about Charlotte barell?" I questioned.
"You are Charlotte barell,your dreams were flashbacks. I created that name to test if you were the one I was looking for" he said. My tension released and I smiled,I smiled naturally for the first time in days.
"But I'm not fae,how could I be the girl" I asked
"That's the thing,that's why I need information" he said.

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