An ocean of pineapples?

46 3 1

Time lag,jet lag whatever you wanted to call it,I guarantee you that it sucks. Waking up at 6 in the morning and realising that its 11 is not really how normal people wanted to start their day. A week till finals and I didn't do anything on the basis of studying, instead I was exploring past histories in another continent.

Go Jaliyah!

English project...Who the hell was stupid enough to give an English project during finals break for 'extra credit'!!!
Amora spent all her precious time with Lena and forgot to visit her best friend. The course of two days can really change a person,Bryce and Amora have been destroying lives with their new found obsession of pranking others.
I took a dramatic sigh,got up from the bed and went to the bathroom.

*one hour later*

I walked out of the bathroom in fresh clothes to be surrounded by pokey things,Who could be the cause of this depressing morning,probably Amora....and Bryce.*ugh*
Pineapples,I was surrounded in pineapples which had smiley faces drawn on them.

I really didn't want to get up so I just sat there in the middle of a bunch of pineapples for an hour going through Instagram.

Soon enough,I decided to get up and started removing those happy pineapples from my sad room. I brought out a big trash bag and started collecting the pineapples one by one. I tied the bag up and threw it out of my dorm and into the corridor.

"Owwwwwww" a girly screen came from the corridor
Trash bags aren't supposed to scream....right?
I went to the corridor and saw Shailah on the floor with pineapples all over her. The bag must've tore on hitting her.

"Im sorry,I didn't mean to hit you" I apologized
"No you are not sorry. This is revenge for breaking into your house right!" Shailah screamed.
Did she have to remind me of that day,now I'm just angry.
"Oh yeah,I threw the trash towards you so you could be with your friends,you are a price of trash anyhow " I said and slammed the door on her face

What a great day to start my day

Amora: hi
Nyra:where were you Jaliyah?You missed out English project instructions!
Jaliyah:I was out of town,I know that I got paired up with Rhysand,it's totally fine.
Hazel: I thought you wouldn't be happy,cause you and Rhysand don't really get along together.
Amora: times change
David: yes they do.....Amora
Bryce: Something I should know about?
Amora: nope
Bryce: Nyra,can you come over tonight?
Nyra: I'll be there by 7
Bye: k,see you then,bye guys
Amora: we need to talk...
David: we shall!
Amora: bye
David: bye
Jaliyah: what's going on?
Hazel: some people haven't been getting along well over the last few days
Jaliyah: oh no,let's hope it doesn't effect us all
Hazel: that's all we can do right?
Jaliyah: I guess so
Hazel: bye
Jaliyah: it's just me now isn't it
Nyra: yup,bye

I put on a jacket and run down the stairs. A couple of days without talking to Amora was all that it took for me to not know about her new friend Lena and her break with David,I thought they were perfect for each other...what happened? What happened to us?

How could she just ditch me because I wasn't there for a few days. I stayed for the entire summer break without her and I DID NOT replace her just because she went shopping in Paris without me.

I opened the building door and headed out into the cold winter morning,it was so cold,I could feel the cold shrinking my skin.

I walked towards the food court for some lunch,tacos to be exact. I started pacing my way to a table now and then,as usual,I ran into someone. I tumbled around fell onto a chair....
A chair out of nowhere? No chance,it only meant one thing

Big worlds little collisionsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ