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When they say that time flies,they really are speaking the truth and I had to learn that the hard way

Today was the day of homecoming and since I was on the editorial team I was given charge of giving a report on the homecoming decoration team.

At 7 o clock in the morning a sudden deep,beautiful sleep flushed my brain and I didn't care about the stupid alarm burning my ears. Ok I guess an hour passed by before an alarm flew into the room and hit my head,bursting into a stupid squawking noise that woke me up immediately.

Ugh,stupid pranks,probably Amora or some other jerk.
I got up from bed and took a bath straight away. The warm water suddenly stopped leaving me to REFRESH myself in cold chilled water.....whoever was doing this surely did not like me. I dried myself and wrapped a towel around me and came out to sit on the bed
'who's your new enemy now jaliyah?' I said myself.

I turned my head to face my closet when I see a beautiful bracelet hanging on my chair.....I got up,grabbed the pretty bracelet and admired it.....who could have given me this?
I decided that it would go well with my dress as it was a silver chain with black diamonds settled in violet cuts around the silver chain. I placed it next to my dress for homecoming and went to the closet to pick out some clothes.

After getting ready I saw the bracelet and started debating on whether I should wear it or not.....

I ended up wearing it. I grabbed a book and a pen and went out of the room,slamming the room shut.I stormed into Amora dorm,which of course was unlocked and I dragged her out.

"So I see that you got my surprise"she said
"Wait,so you gave me this bracelet?" I said shocked.

"What, god no. I meant the crazy time bomb and the chilled water. But that is one hell of a Pretty bracelet" she replied enthusiastically

"So that was you!!!!!" I retorted
"Maybe,maybe not" Amora said teasingly....I replied with a huge smile.

We walked our way to the gym and saw the homecoming decorations going well. I got my pen out and started writing a report about the type of decorations ,team work and all that nonsense while Amora started taking selfies.

After I was done with my notes I had to drag Amora till the editors room to upload my report to the university's website,"".

I opened my laptop and connected to the wifi.While I was typing,Amora abandoned me to visit David . After I was done uploading a 2 page report,I shut down my laptop,put it in my bag and grabbed my phone.

I started walking out of the building when I see....Rhysand. Wow,what a great time,NOT.
I started walking faster and once I was sure I was far away from him,I started walking in a normal pace again.

"Hey, I see that you got my gift" a sneaky voice said
I was shook with the sudden voice and when I turn my head,I clash with rhysand.

"You gave me the bracelet"I said weary
"It's gorgeous right. Couldn't you tell? It has me written all over it"He said.
Now that I think about it, it does have his dark ways all over it and his taste says he likes exquisite stuff only.

I look up from the bracelet to him with a sassy response but he's gone....

Ooooh,Bryce is walking this way, I rush to him and smile widely. I pretend that nothing ever happened and started,

"Hey,so how's life?"
"Much dramatic,you think?" he says
"Nope. How is my new bracelet?" I ask.

"It is pretty,I like the intricate details"he said astonished

"Why are you surprised? Actually,I thought you gave me the bracelet" I say just to know if he would take up the lie.

"Oh...umm...yeah,I uh...yeah I came in and ummm put it in your bag today morning" he said
I knew something was suspicious about him and now I know for sure,cause he and that bracelet had nothing in common.
"Thank you so much!" I say with a peculiar voice
We went on talking till the food court and sat down on one of the 4 seat benches when I heard a laugh behind me. I turn around and of course,see Rhysand with his friends...wait....something is different.....I've seen him before....I mean like not here, like a far distant time....from where do I recognize him?who cares,probably just a hunch.

As I turn towards the other side........Hey there's Amora and David, I think to myself, I wonder if they'll take a seat with us.
I turn back to Bryce,when a waiter comes over and gives us a menu. Amora and David start walking towards us and settle down next to me and Bryce.

"Hi,guys...I'm sorry Jaliyah for abandoning you. But David needed help for planning his nieces birthday party" Amora says

"Well you could've told me at the most,before you simply slipped out of the room" I say grumpily
"OK,to make it up for you......lunch is my treat and I'm all yours for the evening and well through the night" Amora said.

"I am starving after all that planning,lets get some grub on!!" David said, he sure didn't  look tired at all to me.
"Sure" we all say together.
After searching the menu we decided to go for some fries, a pizza and 4 hamburgers with a chocolate pudding....
The waiter came back with our order and we dug into our yummy food. We started talking about school,homecoming and all the other boring stuff.

"So.....what has thinking lead to?"Bryce asked doubtfully

"I don't know, maybe we can go to the dance as just friends, I don't wanna have a date might get awkward. But as friend we'll be having fun all night long, giving these two no privacy at all" I said pointing to David and Amora.

"It's true, we have the best after parties,just the three of us...but I think we won't mind you tagging along" Amora says quickly to support my point. I told her about Rhysand and she knows that I'm not a huge go to on Bryce, yet.

After a huge meal and tons of chatting we decided that it was time to start getting ready for know cause the football game started earlier than the real party.
Since My room was so much more cleaner than Amora's,we decided to get ready in my room. Amora went to her room,took a bath and came in with her makeup,dress,accessories,heels and placed them on my bed.
By the time Amora brought her stuff,I took a bath and wore a robe.

"Jaliyah,can you do my makeup today?"she asked
"Sure....but don't you hate my natural style?" I asked back
"I know you suck at fancy makeup but the natural look would be a perfect layer 1 for my face" she said excitedly.
Amora and her diva ways.....I could never be like her, she's immature,but she is my closest and best-est friend. It might not seem like she's always there,but she's always there when I need her.

After I was done with her makeup ,I started on mine. After an hour of hard work,I got it the way I wanted. Perfect contouring,dark blue smoky eye,faintest color of maroon on my lips and thick lashes, I didn't need any blush with my checks already burning red. I slipped into my amethyst dress and left my hair down with black crystal earnings which matched with rhysand's bracelet.
I took a final look in the mirror and wore my 4inch black boot heels.
Amora was doing some final touchups while I went into the bathroom to get some perfume. Ok,it was 7:39 and Amora clearly was bored,she was literally talking to the books on the bookshelf. We exited my room and went to the lawn.
(The party is in the gym but the game watching is in the lawn....there are big screens put up)

Ok,I really don't know if I'm doing this whole book writing thing properly so pls pls comment if I'm going too fast,too slow,too vague or just not having a good storyline. I promise that the story will go somewhere and pls bear with me till I get a hang of stuff

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