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My room was nearly torn apart.

"Where is it?" I had searched everywhere looking for the only thing that made me want to live, my journal.

The sheets that were once neatly on the bed were now on the floor, all knotted together to represent something that looked like how I felt at the moment. The clothes that were neatly folded on the chair now laid scattered across the old wooden floor.

I leaned against the wall and slid down, hugging my knees to my chest. She was gone. Every memory i remembered making with her, i wrote it down in there. Every detail of her face, perfectly described with adjectives that only began to really understand her beauty. Her loving heart, mind, and soul was stitched in between the pulp of the delicate pages. And it was gone. Now i could hardly remember her striking eyes that caught me in the first place. Were they more emerald green, like the tint of sea? Or where they as blue as the sky on a cloudless day? They were the first and last thing i ever saw of her.

The worry in her eyes only made them that much bluer. Surrounded by her own blood and rotting flesh, her eyes stood out the most. I could hear them louder than her screams, and mine. Her tears that made them sparkle, only added to the effect that if her eyes were the ocean, then i was lost at sea.

I heard a soft knock and the door creaked open. Melanie stuck her head into the room and looked around.

"Hey Tyler? You okay? Josh said he heard some commotion coming from this room." I shook my head in the palms of my hands and i began sobbing. Melanie opened the door wider and walked into the room. She sat down next to me.

"Hey whats wrong?" She put her hand on my shoulder.

"I can't find it. My journal. It has everything that meant the most to me before the world went to shit."

"Like what?" She asked.

"M-my wife. Memories of her mostly." Melanie sat up a bit.

"Where did you leave it?"

"I-i don't know. I was writing in it before Dallon and his dickheads attacked me in the fores-" i lifted my head from my hands and stood up, walking out of my room.

"Where are you going?" Melanie and her short legs ran behind me.

"I'm going to get my journal."

Once i was out of my building i began to run straight to Brendon's office. I banged on his door.

"Brendon! Open the door please!"

"You aren't going to find him in there." I turned around to find Dallon leaning against the opposite wall. I walk closer to him. Our faces would've be practically touching if he wasn't so damn tall.

"What the fuck did you do with my stuff? You know, what you jumped me in the forest?" Dallon smirked and leaned down so we were eye to eye.

"I didn't do anything with your stuff, princess. I left it there in forest to rot away." I glared into his eyes.

"Then take me back." Dallon laughed and shook his head while walking away.

"Well fuck you too!" I shouted, echoing through the hallway.

"Gladly!" He shouted back. I was taken back by his response and i took a few steps back, only to fall onto the cold tile floor. I laid on the floor and looked up to the ceiling letting out a sigh. I should've gone with Jenna.

I heard a door open in the hallway and i immediately sat up seeing Brendon and Josh both wearing aprons covers in blood. Brendon took off his apron and threw it at josh.

"I told you it was a waste of time Josh." He huffed and walked down the hallway towards where i was. He looked up and jumped when he saw me staring at him. A piece of his hair fell into his face.

"Tyler? What are you doing here?" He walked to his door and took out his keys, unlocking his office and stepping in leaving the door wide open. I walked in and closed the door lightly behind me. He immediately went and poured himself a glass with whiskey.

"Um well there was something left that is very important to me with i got...attacked by Dallon and them." Brendon downed the whole glass and gestured towards the door.

"Alright. Lets go get it then." He grabbed his vest and zipped it up before running a hand through his hair and walking out.

"Wait, now? Oh okay." Brendon waited for me to walk out before closing the door behind me. We walked out of the building and towards the gate.

"Open it up." Brendon commanded. As the gate began to open, he pointed to the same black pickup truck.

"Get in." I nodded and hopped into the passengers seat while he grabbed a rifle from a short blonde haired lady. He hopped into the drivers seat and started up the car, driving through the open gate. His grip tightened on the  wheel as he accelerated.

"W-we don't have to do this Brend-"

"You said it was important, right?" He asked not taking his eyes off the road.

"Well yeah it is but yo-"

"Then we will go get it." He cut me off and sped up. "Where did you say they attacked you?"

"Um i was at this small gas station when i saw them and i just kinda ran into the trees." Brendon nodded his head as the gas station came into view.

Brendon got out of the truck and slammed the door a little too harshly. I hesitantly stepped out of the truck and followed Brendon into the forest.

"Why don't you check over that way." Brendon pointed to his right with the rifle in his hand.

"O-okay." I slowly stared to walk in the direction Brendon pointed to. I crept around through the trees, trying to be as quiet as possible, searching for my bag.

"Hey Tyler! Is this it?" I turn around, only to be met with a rotting face and whitened eyes that were tackling me to the ground.

Genocide | JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now