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A/N: i see a lot of comments saying that Hannah reminds them of the girl on 13 reasons why and i would really appreciate it if you no longer left comments like that. The character Hannah was created before that show was a thing. Thanks. <3

Hannah stayed quiet throught out the ride back to her group. Josh kept checking on her through the rear-view mirror, every time with a worried look on his face, probably expecting her to be dead. I knew she wouldn't die, but if she happened to, would it really be all that bad?

"Please stop checking on me" Hannah mumbled from the back. Josh let out a sigh and I reached over to grab Josh's hand that was gripping the steering wheel. I intertwine our fingers and relaxed his hand onto the arm rest. His fingers were cold and sent a shiver up my spine but I didn't mind. It was getting to be deathly hot outside and anything to keep cool was a plus.

Her group wasn't far away, they had set up a camp off a dirt path near a nice lake. Their group was small, twos trucks with caravans attached and a few pitched tents scattered about. They seemed hidden enough, but camping out felt like such an amateur move nowadays. A decreasing population, its not safe to be all out in the open, open to attacks, and biters as well.

As soon as Josh shifted into park, he was jumping out of the truck and running to the back door, opening it for Hannah. She refused help at first, but when she nearly fell from the truck, Josh had a stable arm wrapped around her shoulder. She groaned in pain and I stifled a laugh.

I was slower to get out of the truck, nevertheless rushing to be at Josh's side.

"Hannah, what the hell you get yourself into?" A tall hefty man with a strong growing beard and country accent walked towards us. He towered over all three if us, Hannah being the only one to not visibly gulp. A significantly shorter women appeared from behind the man running towards us.

"Hannah! What happened?" Hannah was immediately pulled away from Josh and taken into the nearest tent by the woman who shared similar features as Hannah. Dark chocolate hair and soft brown eyes. Hannah had freckles across her cheek bones while the other woman had rich caramel skin.

When they left all the focus was pulled to us as the husky man pulled a gun and pointed it in our direction.

"Ya'll got ten fuckin' seconds to explain what happened to my daughter." We both stood in shock, our hands shooting up, showing our weakness. I began to tremble as Josh tried to form some sort of coherent sentence. The man cocked his gun, causing everyone surrounding to scream and cower away. He pointed it straight at my head, finger resting on the trigger. I closed my eyes as he pressed it against my head, it finally clicked as to why they've last so long. They aren't afraid.

"G-get away from him! Please point it anywhere else, e-even at me, just don't shoot him." Josh was near screaming at the man. The man didn't budged from his spot.

"I shot your daughter. I-it was me. So if anything you should have that point at-" everyone ran away as soon as the gun was fired. Josh collapsed onto the ground as the pain ran up his leg. I screamed for him, tears wielding up in my eyes as i saw him scream in pain. Without thinking, I drew the gun from my back pocket and pointed it towards the bearded man, shooting him in the shoulder. He screamed out profanities as he held onto his shoulder.

"You little fucker." He drew back his hand before knocking me to the ground with his fist. My vision blacked for a second as my head slammed on the ground. I got an immediate headache and i closed my eyes as I waited for another blow to the face.

"What the hell? Get off of me!"

"Don't you dare fucking put your hands on him." I opened my eyes to see Josh pushing into the wound on the taller man, making him fall to the ground. Josh fell on top of him, giving him hit after hit to the face.

At first, the man tried to fight back, choking Josh, but Josh had his knee pressing into the bullet wound and the man became unresponsive.

"Josh, stop." My voice was cracked and quiet as i still laid on the ground. I watched as he beat the man, mercilessly, the body beneath him going limp. I slowly sat up, my head pounding.

"Josh," i said louder. "You're gonna kill him." He couldn't hear me as he continued to beat the man to death. I stood up, rushing over to Josh and I tried to pull him off of the man.

"Josh, Stop!" I yelled, finally pulling him from the man. The man's face was unrecognizable and he laid still. Josh sat on the ground with his head in his bloody hands. The door to one of the caravans swung open.

"Boy, that sure was a shit show." I looked up to see none other than Dallon throwing his head back in laughter. He walked over to examine the man presumably dead. He whistled.

"Poor Otis. You sure did a number on him, Joshie." Dallon patted Josh on the back before grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet. I stood there, stunned and confused. Dallon called for a woman named Maria and the same women that walked away with Hannah came out of a tent, gasping at the sight of Otis.

"Maria, sweetie, i need you to get Josh here and fix him up, we need him alive. Him and Tyler will be staying with us for awhile."

There are a few things i need to apologize for:
1) for the short chapter
2) taking so long to get said chapter published
3) for so many authors notes

But I want to say thank you for 3,000 reads!! Wow! Expect another update soon ;)

Stay amazing

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