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It was slow at first, not enough to wake me up; A few light taps onto the windshield, spreading around the built up dirt. I stirred in my sleep as the rhythmic tapping grew harder. A low rumble sounded from beyond the car and i opened my eyes. It was pitch black surrounding the beam of light reflecting from the moon into the car. I tried to sit up, but was held back by Josh, pulling me closer.

There was another light rumble, almost as soft as a cat's purr, but it caused Josh to stir as well. He brought an arm up to his closed eyes, rubbing them open. We were slow to realize what was happening, coming out from a deep sleep. But when the night sky roared in the distance we were blown awake; It was raining.

We both sat up, looking to see the streams of water running down the windows, taunting us with its cleanliness. We conversed without words, one look to each other and we were out of the truck.

A soft groan resonated from Josh as he stretched his arms out to the side, letting the rain drip down his clothed body. I laughed as he walked around in slow circles under the rain.

As the rain continued to pour, I rubbed my arms, trying to get as much of the dirt and dried blood off as could. I tore of my shirt and rung it out, letting the cool rain clean the newly exposed skin. Josh had also taken off his shirt, looking to up to the sky with a hint of a smile.

"Thank you," he laughed, smile shining brightly with the moon. The last time it rained was weeks ago, while we were still at the Peninsula, and even then it was just a light dribble. "Thank you!" He shouted into the oblivious sky.

He ran over to me as I tried to clean my hair, and picked me off the ground into a dignified hug.

"Josh!" He chuckled as he placed me back onto the ground, his arms not lessening in grip. I wrapped my arms around him, returning the hug, smiling up to the man. The moon was just enough light so I was able to justify his features. He had a full and bushy beard, while I had a sad patchy stubble. His hair was grown out, no longer a Mohawk, instead brown tuffs that were pressed to his forehead by the rain. My hair was too long to stand up on its own, even when it was dry. He looked rough, we both did, but that didn't stop myself from thinking that he was the most beautiful man that I had ever laid my eyes on.

Wait, what?

His smile faded as we locked eyes, he moved impossibly closer, not leaving my eyes. I nudged my nose up against his, feeling his breath hit my face through the rain. My thoughts were silent as my eyes slid shut, our lips just moments apart.

And then there was a bright flash, too close for comfort, that averted our gaze, followed by a grand clap of clouds. I buried my face into his bare chest in instinct and he placed a kiss to the top of my head. I was thankful for the dark as it hid the flush of rose that made its way to the surface of my cheeks.

He chuckled as he felt me smile against his chest, finally pulling away to greet me with the same, moon-shaming smile.

"You're shaking, come on lets get dried up." I looked down to my arms and I, in fact, had chilled bumps igniting my skin; they definitely weren't from the rain.

"Josh, i swear to god, we've passed that same biter three times now."

"I promise, I know where I'm going."

I sighed as i looked out the blood-splattered window, watching as the half-crush biter (Josh ran partially over it the first time we came across it) reached out towards the truck. The car swerved and hit its elongated arm, blowing it to bend backwards in the opposite direction. I looked over to josh who fumbled around with a paper map, completely blocking his view of the road. I sighed and pulled the map away from his face.

"One, pull over I'm going to drive , two, you hit that biter, again, and three, you were holding the map upside down." Josh pulled over to the side of the road with a huff and we switched seats. I gave Josh the map the correct way and began to drive, getting an embarrassed "thank you" from the man.

"Alright, where are we going?" Josh directed the way for another thirty minutes, leaving out the only detail of exactly where we were going.

We pulled into a quite suburban neighborhood. Big family homes with grown out lawns and deserted cars formed a small grid pattern.

We pulled up to a house with grey siding and a brick accent to the outside wall of the door. The house was dated, and it gave off an abandoned vibe.

"Josh... Where are we?" He stepped out of the truck and looked up to the house with a sad smile.

"This, is where i grew up." He started pulling what supplies we had from the truck and walked to the front door.

He slid a knife into the crease of the door, moving it around until the door unlocked. When we stepped inside, the abandoned theme continued; the place definitely looked like it was once lived in. Clothes scattered all over the place, parts of someones last meal evident on the floor, even the couch cushions still held the imprint of the last people that sat on it.

"Jeeze, its a mess in here." I nodded my head in agreement, making my way through the house. I walked upstairs, looking at each family photo that lined the walls on the way up. Four children, two boys and two girls, were the main focus through the pictures.

Upstairs wasn't much different, everything was still a mess.

I rushed back down the stairs when I heard what sounded like a loud crash. Following the sound, i rushed through the basement door, ignoring how dark it really was.

"Josh?" I called out into the dark. "Are you okay?" I heard a chuckle and i tried to follow the sound of his voice.

"Im fine. I was trying to find our backup generator but i found my old drum set instead." I stuck my hands out to guide me through the dark until my hands touched his arm. He let out a surprise gasp and followed by a chuckle at the interaction.

"I didn't see you there" he spoke. Even through the dark, he still was able to wrap his arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

"Wait, where is your face?" He let go of my waist and instead placed his whole hand on top of my face. I laughed into his hand as the silly gesture.

"Oh, found it." I could hear him smiling through his words as he lifted his hand off of my face slightly, and instead, placed it under my jaw. I could feel his thumb stroke my bottom lip, tugging it slightly before leaning in and kissing me, on the cheek.

"Come on, its dark down here." He reached around for my hand in the dark,pulling me back up the stairs, radiating with pure happiness, while my mind was still in a heated daze.

Wow... Thank you so much for over 1000 reads a can't believe it. Im so glad people are enjoying this story.
Thank you to all who have read, voted, and commented, it means the world.

-Bris <3

Genocide | JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now