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The fence was stomped into the ground, bodies stepping over the wiring, some tripping and others getting stuck. The rest were making their way into the Peninsula; some going towards the short haired girl, and the rest coming in our direction. The girl began shouting for others and firing her shotgun. One biter came up to us and, with the knife still in my hand, i jabbed into its eye, and disengaged the knife quickly. Josh was defenseless standing beside me. One grabbed onto his arm but i pushed it to the ground, tackling it, and stabbing it. The small knife was dulling quickly and their where too many bodies to count. Josh pulled me up from the rotting body and started running to the front of the building.

"Josh! Someone will see us!" I shouted at him.

"I really don't want to fucking die from those things. They won't even notice us with theses creatures running around loose. We need to get to my lab." He snapped, pulling me along.

"What's so important about your lab?" I asked. He ignored my question as we stopped in front of the building door. A group of people that were once guarding at the gate ran right past us with their guns up, not even a glance our way. Josh quickly gave me a look that said 'I told you so' and went to grab the keys from his pocket, unlocking the door.

I quickly pushed the door closed with my back and let out a breath. Josh tossed me the keys I turned around and, after a few attempts at figuring out which key it was, locked the door. It wouldn't hold them back forever, but it would work for the time being. I tossed the keys back to Josh and he broke out into a jog down the hall.

We finally made it to his lab. he let out a breath and went to unlock the door. he opened the door and flicked the light switch, lighting up the whole room. The room was a complete mess. Bloody hand prints smeared onto the light  beige walls, metal desks scattered with papers and empty beakers, and broken glass glittered the floor. Josh walked quickly and went into a back closet. My mouth hung open at the state of the place. i slowly walked through the whole room.

A notebook was laid out on top of the nearest desk.

"Patient 7926-7677
Reaction to family photos: Unresponsive
Reaction to name:
Reaction to loved ones names:
Reaction to favorite music:
Reaction to being talked to:
Reaction to human interaction:
Vigorous thrashing, jaw snapping, patient broke through restraints. Patien-"

The rest of the page was soaked in blood. I began to walk back to where Josh was. One question stuck out in my head, what the hell was going on in here?

"What the-" I heard a thump come from the door beside me. It looked to be a closet. I stopped walking and went over to the door. I started to pull the door towards me by its handle.

"No wait, Tyler don't open, that-" A biter charged straight through the door towards me and i fell to the ground trying to escape. I closed my eyes and held my arms up in my face, waiting to feel the dead weight of the body on me.

"It's not going to get you." Josh said. I slowly opened my eyes.

"What the fuck?" The biters hands where cuffed together and it was held back by a chain, like a dog on a leash. It tried to lunge towards me, snapping its jaw. Its skin hung loose under its blank eyes, giving it a restless look. It still had some hair, others places where hair should have been was exposed flesh. It's hair was a chocolate brown, much like my own. It's clothes weren't tattered at all, in fact they looked fairly clean aside from a few dribbles of spit near the top. What hair it had was neatly brush and didn't look messy at all.

I stood up from the ground moving closer to inspect the creature. Its breath was horrid so i held my own as i looked at it closer.

"That's- uh- That's my husband, Ryan." Josh spoke shamefully.

I looked down to see a ring similar to Josh's on the biters finger.

"Josh..." He placed the few things in that were in his arms onto the nearby desk. He walked over to the bit- his husband- and slowly walked him back into the closet, closing the door with a sigh.  He rested his head against the door.

"Josh" i called to him again.

"I-I couldn't let him go..." He said. "I've been trying for months trying to get him back. Not only him, others too that Brendon gave me, but they all failed." He lifted his head and his sad eyes met mine.

"Don't look at me like I'm stupid. I know he's...gone. I know he's dead. He's fucking dead...I just can't live with myself knowing I didn't try to do something." He went over to the table where he placed all the things from earlier. A gun, some pocket knives, a bag, and some fishing line.

"Josh, if you hold onto him, you'll never be able to move on." I moved closer to him. He leaned against the desk, hovering over the supplies.

"We could leave tonight." He ignored me and changed the subject. "The fence is down and there is no way they will be able to fix it tonight with all of them in the community." He looked up at me and started to walk over to me.

"If you want to leave." He said, his eyes switching between mine.

"Y-Yeah i do bu-"

"Okay, good. then lets go." He started to pack up the bag.


"-We get go down to the warehouse, get some food and other supplies."

"Josh what ab-"

"-and then we could get out through the gate and be far away from this hell-"

"Josh." I said sternly. He stopped rambling and looked at me.

"What?" He asked.

"How are we supposed to get through all the biters?" He thought for a second.

"We can use Ryan." He motioned to the closet behind him. "If we keep him close, then they won't notice us."

"I don't know, Josh. How will we know it would work?"

"Why are you questioning everything now, Tyler? You are the one that wanted to leave. I don't understand why-" Josh stopped speaking and looked at the door that opened to the hall. A thump was heard against the door. Josh's jaw was slightly open and he slowly turned to look at me.

He walked over to the door and put his ear against it. He jumped back a bit when he heard another thump and growling. He turned to face me, automatically pressing his body weight into the door.

"Uh, we might have a small problem." He said. "They are in the building."

Genocide | JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now