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I was forced into the dampened soil by the full weight of a biter. I held it back by its chest, as it snapped its jaw at me. The flesh around it's jaw was putrescent, exposing the darkened bones that it uses to tear anything and everything living apart. 

Without a weapon at my side, I was forced to lay under the slobbering creature. A concoction of spit, dirt, and bits of remains, oozed out of its trap and onto my face.  The miasma from the stagnant human brought tears to my eyes and made me choke on my breath. It's incoherent  grunts of hunger somehow only added to the putrid aroma that was escaping it's pores. But with one blow to the back of it's head, the biter became limp and collapsed on top of me.  

I pushed the body off of me and took in a deep breath. I stood up and took the bottom of my shirt and wiped the fresh bodily fluids off my face. Brendon jogged over with my bag and a shotgun in his hands.

"You alright?" He asks i give a simple nod before taking my bag out of his hands. I shuffle through the contents. 

"It's not in here... Dammit!" I threw the bag as hard as i could before putting my face in my hands and collapsing to the ground. Brendon sat next to me on the ground and put his hand on my back lightly, rubbing it along my spine.

"Look, I'm sure Dallon or someone has it... But, maybe it's a sign, Tyler. Maybe its time to move on." I lifted my faced and turned to look at him. Sincerity was woven into the fine hairs of his brows and his mocha eyes where dripped in compassion. Our bodies were amazingly close. At the simple touch of his hand my back was on fire and my mind was drowning in confusion. But the plugged was pulled when i realized that his lips where locked with mine. 

I pushed him away and a shiver ran threw my body. I could hear Jenna's cries from above me. 'How could you do this to me, Tyler?' is what she would say. She was the love of my life. I grabbed my bag that I threw onto the ground and began running. The ringing in my ears as i ran through the forest was really just the echo of her screams. 

"Tyler, wait! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that! Please, I need to drive us back." Brendon chased after me, shouting through the trees. I'm sure he was attracting attention, but he was fully capable of defending himself. 

I looked behind me to see Brendon nowhere in sight. I slowed down and waited for my breath to catch up with me. I sat down on the ground and rested my head up against a tree. My fingers brush against my chapped lips, the older mans salivation still lingering on top of them. My wife's words of disappointment echoed in my head. But to say i hated it would be lying. It was different, and eccentric. I was intrigued. I love Jenna, but now i realize it may not be the love she felt towards me. I thought that was as good as it got. But now I'm beginning to question everything. I didn't run because i hated it, I ran because I was scared that i might've enjoyed it. 

Jenna's sobs filled my head and it broke my heart. 'I thought you loved me, Ty.'

"I'm sorry, baby" I said out loud, which caused her to sob harder. I sighed, holding back tears. The leaves of the tree i was below began to ruffle and i looked up.

"Shit... mother of dick." I stood up and looked up into the tree where a pair of caramel eyes met mine. 

"Who's up there?" I asked. The tree branches halted all movement as the pair of eyes continued to stare into mine. 

"It's uh... it's Josh." The branches continued to moved until i heard a crack followed by a profanity that sent the Mohawk man back to the earth. He wheezed for air as all of his got knocked out of him. i bit my lip to stifle a laugh and offered my hand to get him off the ground. He quickly accepted it and stood up, wiping the dirt off his clothing.

"Are you okay?" i asked. he nodded and stretched his arms up, allowing air to flow into his lungs. His shirt lifted slightly and i couldn't help but take a glance of what hid underneath his loose article. Before he could catch my staring i looked down to the ground and played with a piece of mulch by my shoe. 

"Why are you out here?" He asked, cutting through the heavy silence. 

"I could ask the same to you." He let out a laugh and looked up with a smile. 

"I come out here to get a break. It quite peaceful. Sometimes there is one or two lingerers but I manage." I hummed and nodded my head while letting out a slight laugh of confusion. But why would he want to leave the protection of the Peninsula? It was such a lovely place. 

"I came out here to get my bag" I held it up slightly in my hand. 

"You came alone? How did you get out?" He then asked.

"Um, I came here with Brendon but i ran off" I spoke, trying not to push the topic of the past situation any further. "Can you not come and go as you please? I mean, How did Brendon get out here? How did you get out here?" Josh sighed and put his hands on his hips while adding moisture to his lips by his tongue. My eyes lingered on his plump lips for a second longer than they should've. I wonder what his lips feel like. Jenna screamed out in pain but i ignored the noise as much as i could.

"There are a lot of things that go on at the Peninsula that you don't know about. And if i told you, I would have to kill you, Tyler." My mouth stood agape and i backed away from Josh, the tensing of my back becoming visible. Josh suddenly burst out into a fit of giggles and threw his head back in joy. 

"I'm totally playing with you, Ty. Don't be so tense." He rested a hand on my shoulder and i immediately let loose at the warmth of his touch. I felt a similar sense of safeness as i did when i first walked in the Peninsula. But his hand left my shoulder just as quickly as it claimed it spot there. i automatically lifted my hand up to the spot and sighed in content as i felt the reminisce of warmth. 

And maybe is was because of the peaceful silence, or the warmth on my shoulder, or the bright smile that was staring into my eyes, but I felt safe. Completely defenseless and yet completely carefree. 

And completely safe.  

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