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Important authors note:

Thank you so much for 9K reads. Not to be bold, but I hope that one day we will reach 10K and that's crazy to think about. When I started writing this I didn't think I would even get 10 reads. And my writing was pretty fucking sucky at the beginning in some parts. But I am back and I have (Hopefully) become a stronger writer. So here we go.

Welcome to the end of the beginning.

Edit: i see a lot of comments saying that Hannah reminds them of the girl on 13 reasons why and i would really appreciate it if you no longer left comments like that. The character Hannah was created before that show was a thing. Thanks. <3

The plan had worked better than expected. The hardest part was trying to get past Josh in the middle of the night. Possessed by his own nightmares, he stayed up with the moon. He was a slave to his thoughts, suffering was spelled on the backs of his eyelids. The clumped green couch was pulled out, becoming a bed that we shared. Though neither of us slept much, it was nice not to be alone.

Dallon didn't want to wait long and although his thoughts were fueled with rage I agreed. Only a few days had passed since we talked before our plan was put into action.

Dallon was already outside waiting (as he hadn't come into the caravan when everyone was going to bed) while I was still trapped on the rickety pull out couch, a spring jabbing my spine, and a muscular arm across my chest. At my slightest movement Josh's grip got tighter. Any other night I welcomed this closeness and even then I was hesitant, but I knew that I needed to get out.

Drowsed between sleep and reality, Josh pulled me back further towards him when I tried to move his arm off of me, the bed squeaking under his actions. Both of his arms now wrapped tighter than a boa constrictor to its prey. I sighed, the warmth was welcoming and rare. He moved again, this time sending my stomach full of delicate butterflies crashing, a dropping floor falling forty-stories down. The only exposer my skin had to the musk air was on my neck, and his lips took advantage of that. The heat between our bodies that was once nearly unbearable was now addictive, prickling my skin in all the right spots, making my mouth open in a small pant. He was so close, his chest to my back and I pretended we were one. His beard, that he had yet to shave, sent shivers down my spine as the coarse hairs rubbed against my bare skin when he planted slow arrhythmic pecks to my neck. I was defeated, now convinced to give Dallon a raincheck. Murder could wait until tomorrow.

"You keep moving," Josh mumbled into my neck, sighing as he tried to pull me impossibly closer. With the little clarity I had left in my head, I knew the right thing to do would be to tell Dallon the change of plans.

"Gotta piss," I spoke quietly, the first excuse coming to my head. The caravan's bathroom was of no use so it would be easy to slip outside. Josh sighed, loosening his grip slightly.

"Promise me you will be back?" He held his pinkie up in a childish way and I couldn't help but smile at the sweet gesture. Josh was coming back. Even if he was drugged with sleepiness now, I knew he was getting better.

I locked my pinkie with his and he sighed, shaking his head side to side. He sat up in the bed and dragged me back onto the bed by our interlocked fingers. He wore a hazy smile, something I hadn't seen in months. His hair stuck up in random directions framing his glowing face. He was utterly, brilliantly, beautiful. I wouldn't screw up like last time, he would never be forgotten; he would never just be a fuzzy memory in my head. He needed to be documented, every constellation of freckles scattered across his shoulders and back would be remembered, every pore across his nose and cheeks would be written down for my mind to create the perfect picture of him every time I read through the words. He couldn't be forgotten.

Genocide | JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now