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"The Peninsula has had some competition with another survival group and Brendon is planning on attacking it."

"Wait, there are other groups?" 

"Yes, there are lots of groups. One stole some of our medical supplies and that sent Brendon off the chain. He wants revenge and hes asking for war."


"There are very few sane people nowadays. There aren't people like you anymore, Tyler. If you take away someones way of living, they become... animals. Any logical sense of living is out of their minds. There is so much more to tell you, but well, it would just be easier to show you back at my lab." Josh looked around the corner of the building before looking back at me.

"We can go now, we won't run into anybody." Josh began to stand up but i quickly grabbed his arm. 

"Wait, slow down. I don't understand. Josh, why are you telling me all of this?" Josh looked back to me and sighed. 

"I want to leave the Peninsula as well, and you've had experience out there. I figured if we worked together, then maybe we could get out before it goes to shit. I know how its like in here and i think if would be best if we do this together. I trust you, Tyler... Do you trust me?" Josh looked into my eyes with worry. I quickly nodded my head and stood up from the ground. 

"I trust you, Josh." He immediately smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me from the dark ally. We began to walk to the medical building where Josh's lab was. The sun was beginning to set and it frightened me, knowing i would have to stay alone tonight. 

"Uh, hey Josh?" He hummed in response and looked to me. 

"D-do you think, maybe, i could stay with you tonight? Um you know i-it's noisy in the medical building and i figure i-if we are going to sneak out then i might need some sleep but i mean only if you are okay wi-" Josh chuckled as we approached the medical building. He opened the door for me and i walked inside.

"Of course you can stay with me. It's quite lonely at night anyway." He shot me a goofy grin and i couldn't help but smile back.

"Thanks." I replied as we came to Josh's lab. Josh pulled out his keys and began to search for the correct one. That is, until he dropped them. Josh bent down to pick them up and as he was bent over, I saw a figure at the end of the hallway. Josh stood back up and i stepped closer to Josh. 

"Josh, there is someone down there" I whispered and pointed slightly with my finger. Josh looked away from his keys and to the end of the hallway, where the figure began to walk towards us. The timed lights powered by the generators suddenly came on, adding light down the whole hallway. The figure became easier to see and we quickly figured out that it was Brendon. Josh stuffed his keys back into his pocket and started walking towards him, while i followed behind Josh slowly, not wanting to even be in the presence of Brendon. He flashed a smiled to the both of us before speaking. 

"It is a lovely evening today isn't it?" Brendon began. "I hope you guys are skipping out on the Bash, it will be starting in a few minutes. In fact, why do we all walk there together?" Brendon smiled wider and i hid behind Josh. 

"Yes, sounds great, sir." Brendon walked past me and Josh and made his was for the door. Josh and I followed behind. 

"Why are we going?" I whisper to Josh. 

"If you don't decide to go willingly, then you better learn. Brendon won't take no for an answer." I nod my head and gulp down the memories from last night. 

We walked out of the building and down the pavement were we could see other people walking the same direction as us. Brendon waved to a few of the people and it made me sick to my stomach. They didn't know what kind of monster he was. I suppressed the urge to cry as we approached an area with a crowd of people standing and cheering. Brendon pushed through the crowd and walked up to the back of a box truck. He turned so he could face the crowd. 

"I know i can confidently say i am not the only one who is excited for tonight. Who's with me?" The crowd cheered and two guys came out from behind the truck with barricades as Brendon continued talking. 

"We have been preparing a few months for tonight and i am so excited to say that it's finally here, The Bash!" The crowd continued to cheer as the men set up the barrier, separating them and Brendon from the crowd. 

"Well, without any further delay, Let's get this started!" The crowd cheered once again as Dallon, Mikey, and Pete followed by a few other people came out from behind the truck. Each of them held a baseball bat in their hands. Brendon went to the back of the truck and began to unhook the doors. 

"I want everyone to count down, ready?" The crowd counted down from 3 and Brendon quickly moved away from the opened doors. A biter came into view, followed by another, and another. They fell out of the truck and onto the ground. Dallon picked up the first one and struck it across it's head, sending blood in every direction. The crowds energy and cheering only grew at the site. Everyone was beating up the biters and the crowd was enjoying it. i couldn't believe my eyes. How could they watch something so cruel? I looked away unable to watch anymore of what was going down. Josh took notice and pulled me closer to him. 

"Its terrible, I know." he whispered. I huddled into the warm of his body and tried to distract myself from the mess

"And that's the last one!"Brendon shouted. I looked back up to see the last biter standing at the end of the truck. The biter had exposed flesh everywhere. Its clothes were dirtied and stained with its own blood. Bite marks from other biters covered it's skin and blood stained its blonde hair. And finally, it hit me.

I wasn't staring at a biter, i was staring at my wife. 

Genocide | JoshlerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang