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"What the hell do we do now?" I asked. Josh had his body sprawled out against the door as some kept trying to open it.

"Go grab a -fuck- a c-chair and prop it under the door handle." I looked around the room until i saw a chair that was laying in the corner. I grabbed the wooden chair and rushed over to Josh. He moved out of the way and i stuck the chair under the handle. I examined the temporary door barricade.

"For Christ sake Josh, the door was unlocked." I flicked the lock, hearing the satisfying click of being one step closer to safety.

"Oh, sorry." He rubbed the back if his neck. I looked up to him. His eyes were in dire need of rest and patchy stubble was forming on his face. Not to mention the bruises that were about the only color adorning his face. He looked to the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with me. But, I wanted him to look at me. I wanted to know that he thought we were alright.

"J-Josh?" His head shot up from the floor and towards me. He must've seen the fear in my eyes because his walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. He looked into my eyes with the same fear i had. Nevertheless, it didn't stop him from trying to convince me.

"Hey, we will get through this. Somehow. We've made it this far, together, and we will get through this together."

It's strange how whenever you first meet someone, its like their words mean nothing. Their words hold no value to you, partially because they don't mean much to you. I mean, how could they? All you know is the outside, what they look like, and the emotions they express. And as much as i wanted to comfort Josh that one day in the forest, that just wasn't the case. I was merely just a shoulder for him to cry on, someone to listen to him rant. To be fair, his words didn't mean much to me then, either. But now, his words were everything. He's the only one i've got. Friend or not, we needed each other.

I think i shocked Josh a bit by relaxing into his touch. Instant relief flooded through my veins at his simple words. A small smile and a slight head nod extinguished through my breath. I probably believed his words more than he did, but that didn't stop him from returning a frantic smile.

"You're scared." I spoke softly. He nodded his head slowly and i brought my hands up to his arms. My finger brushed lightly against the vivid hues set upon lush greens that dressed his arm. I was lost in the deep navy and golden swirls for a moment. But i snapped myself out of the tattoo induced trance and grabbed both of his arms reassuringly. "Me too. A lot, if I'm being honest. A-and i have a lot of questions... But we need to get out of here, Josh-" I looked over to the door. The handle moved as if someone was trying to open it. "-Before they get us."

"I know you're right." He took his hands from my shoulders and i hid a frown that formed from the loss of warmth. "Eventually, Ashley and her group will come down this hall and start trying to kill off most of them because they are fucking idiots." I furrowed my brows.

"Isn't killing them... good?"

"In most cases, yes. But when they herd up like that, you can't just kill them all. There is too many to take on one on one. The lingerers will completely destroy them before they even get halfway through. There's gotta be fifty of them out there. Its the best to lead them out of the building and out of the community. The sound of the guns would only attract more. Not to mention how much of the ammo supply they would be using killing them." There was a pause.

"Then why don't we do that?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, let's lead away the herd before the dumb-ass squad gets to them and starts shooting them all."

"Oh...Hm." Josh lifted his hand to his chin and started pacing. His eyebrows were knitted together and he bit slightly on his bottom lip, in deep concentration. he stopped pacing and went to the back closet, the one without his husband in it, and came back out with a hammer and a grin on his face.

"I've got an idea." he ran over to a boarded up window and began to pull nails out from the wood. He got the first board off and he tossed it behind himself.

"We can get out through this window and run to the front of the building. Then, we can lead them away from the building with a flare gun, i should have one in my closet. And we can steal one the cars and get the fuck away from here." He pulled off the second board and turned to me with a proud smile on his face. "What do you think?"

"What about supplies? We have nothing." I retorted.

"Each car or truck has a month's worth of supplies for four people in the back, in case we ever needed to evacuate."

"And all the innocent people? Are we just going to leave them?"

"We can't save everyone, Tyler." He continued to pulled nails up from the boards.

"What about Melanie?"

"What about her?" He asked.

"Doesn't she stay in this building because she runs medical?"

"Yeah. Her room in the first one in this hall."Josh stopped pulling nails from the board and looked at me. "Oh shit... She hardly ever locks her door so people can get her help if they need it." Josh stated.

"Y-you don't think-" He worked faster on pulling up the nails, getting the last board off the window.

"W-what if s-shes... - oh god-." I fell to the ground as I looked out to the window to see it blocked completely by biters. I sobbed into my hands, my whole body shaking. Josh yelled at the window before gripping at his hair, not knowing what else to do.

"They are fucking everywhere!" He yelled. They clawed at the window, hungry, trying to reach Josh.

"Tyler, get up we gotta... we gotta do something." I tried to stand, only to have my knees completely give out.

"I -I can't stand, J-Josh." He ran over to me and helped me up, holding me into his arms. His body was shaking and so was mine. We were surrounded. The biters outside had Josh's husband all roweled up in the closet and he continually banged against the door.

We heard the echo of gunshots down the hallway and Josh sighed.

"We're fucked." He whimpered.

A/N : Lmao this sucks.

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