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A/N: sorry this is short but i wanted to get something out to you guy im sorry its been so long i have bad writers block for this story.  Im going to go through some of the story to day, from the beginning, and fix some things. thanks for all the love and support. If I'm being honest this story is a bitch to write. I have no idea what i am doing. (: ALSO THANK YOU FOR FUCKING 21,000 READS

I sat on the rough couch, my hands beneath my thighs as Josh paced back and forth in the caravan. He ran a hand through his hair, sucking his lip into his mouth, gnawing on it till it was raw. His usually put together form was disheveled, his shirt untucked and a few buttons undone. His hair wasn't slicked back, his long curls fell into his eyes. Josh muttered under his breath, talking to himself. He's mad at you. You killed the biter. You disrupted the meeting that you are never invited to. He looked towards me, worry encrusted features.

"Hannah says our camp is being targeted." Sitting down on the couch, he gripped the roots of his hair, the stress tugging at the strands. I was too scared to move, his body was tense, about to burst. "It's another place. They are big, just across the way. They want to raid us." His voice sounded forced, the shy and timid Josh seeming to peek through. He's stronger now, the years that have passed shaped him into the leader he was, braver than ever, loving his group more than anything else. Watching him grow independent, the dependents clinging to him like flies to a biter. But the steel wall he built was finally melting away, emotion and feeling dripping back in. he shed a tear, and I was no longer afraid. I curled in close to him, wiping his wet cheek, a kiss pressed to his temple, and he head was cradled to my chest. He relaxed under my touch, completely molding himself to my form. His arms were wrapped loosely around my waist as all of his weight was leaning onto me and the couch. I stopped a smile that started to form in the dimples on my cheeks, this was a concerning moment.

"I killed the biter," I whispered.

"What?" He lifted his head to my gaze, confusion continued to twist my gut. "Oh." His head went back to my chest, and the warmth of it spread through my body. A blanket of memories flattening out across my flesh; fires and cold winters spent huddled under the sheets for warmth, without a single cloth on our bodies yet radiating enough heat to make us sweat.

"I don't care about that. Whatever those kids see, they will have to get used to it. They can't be sheltered, things are different now." His voice was muffled by my shirt and I hummed, agreeing.

I tried to steady my heartbeat as his head rested on my chest. Why were people wanting to attack us now? Did they see us as weak? We were a small camp, only now had we begun the construction of a fence, slowly building up with wood and other materials. We had no line of protection, but that didn't mean we were weak. I'll cut their throats. No one touches our camp.

"What are we gonna do?" Josh pulled back, lacing our fingers together and leaned against the couch.

"We need more supplies. Ammo and weapons in case we need to fight back. And we need to hurry up with the construction of the fence, make sure its sturdy and secure." He ran a hand through his untidy hair. "I just don't know how long we have."

"I can go on a supply run," I stated quickly.

"Yeah? Take Hannah with you then. I don't want you going alone in case you get stopped."

"I can handle myself."

Josh sighed. "I know you can. Its just when you are alone you get into this... mindset. You are like a different person when your face is covered." I am a child. I frowned at his words. He copied my expression, bringing my hand up to his lips, kissing the top of it.

"You know what i mean. I dont want you to get in trouble." I sighed, agreeing that i would take Hannah with me on a run tomorrow. We laid close together for as long as we could. Josh couldn't stay long, but it was nice to have him in my hold. Many nights we spent alone, unable hold each other close. I wrote about him, when i missed him, when i was mad at him. I'd write about him when we were apart, rereading through the pages to never forget his image. I've written pages about him, a report that will never end, just to keep him constantly in my mind.

"Wake up." 

Hannah grumbled under my touch.  No light shone through the tent, the sun had set hours ago and still had not come back up. I shoved her again, calling her name until she replied back.

"I need to know where the other camp is."

"Right now?"

"Yes. Right now."

"Tyler, its the middle if the night." I smirked into the darkness.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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