23 Truth Spilled

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+++May be triggering? I dunno... It's at the end of the chapter anyway... Enjoy!+++

"I called mum, she's coming back as soon as possible." James said as he walked into the kitchen as if he was talking about the weather. I choked on my cereal.

"Why the hell would you ring her to get her back here?" I coughed out after I had everyone pat me on the back like I was some wounded puppy.

"Why do you think? I told her that there was a girl here and that she insisted that she saw her immediately. Mum didn't think it was important at first but then I told her it had something to do with her business so she's coming back whilst dad stays on and works in wherever the hell they are right now." I nodded after gulping down a glass of water and made my way back upstairs. I quickly changed into light blue skinny jeans, a white vest and a black knitted jumper. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and sat on my swingy chair. Danny had gone home just after he had breakfast, but promised that he would be back soon. I took this opportunity to get Zara to my house. With everything that had gone on I completely forgot about her.

"Hey girly, who ya doin'" I asked into the phone speaker.

"Your mum. Wazzup dude?"

"Nothing much. Wanna come over? Got some juicy goss that needs spilling."

"On mah weh hunneh. Do I need to bring anything?"

"No I think you're good. Just come whenever. Door'll be unlocked. Kisses." I hung up the phone. Our conversations were strange, but that's why we were best friends. Zara arrived a few minutes after the call was made.

"Who's the chick? Your brothers banging someone new?"

"Yeah, about her..." I trailed off and proceeded to tell her everything that had happened over the past few days that she wasn't with us.

"Well you've got a shit storm on your hands. Good luck with this one, you'll be needing it." She gave me a quick hug before bounding out of my room and down the stairs, most likely to scare Avery.

"LIA!" I groaned and exited my room to find the commotion. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU FEED HER?" James asked as he was holding a very hyper Zara by her waist whilst the twins had hidden themselves behind the overturned coffee table, Nick hid in a pillow fortress in the corner of the room and Josh was trying to protect Avery who was perched on the sofa, remote control in hand and poised to throw if need be. I sighed and walked in front of Zara.

"You've met Zara I presume?" Avery nodded, not taking her eyes off of the crazed girl in front of me. I turned back to her. "Hey pipsqueak, I'm going to watch Lord of The Rings upstairs, but you can't watch if you're crazy." I said in a soothing voice like I was speaking to a three year old having a temper tantrum. Zara looked up giddily and tried prying herself from James' grip.

"I'll be good, I promise!" She exclaimed as she stood up normally next to me. I nodded and she sprinted up into my bedroom. I shook my head and picked up the coffee table.

"Oh, and for the record, it wasn't me who fed her." I grumbled out as I left the room to regain normality without Zara.

"Lia, she's here." Josh whispered as he came into my bedroom halfway through the first Lord of The Rings film. I groaned quietly and nodded, pulling myself from the beanbag and making my way downstairs, leaving Zara to her film. I found Mel in the Kitchen, coat in hand, standing with James.

"So who is this woman that wants to meet me for business, and why did she come here first?" She asked snootily as she leant against the kitchen counter. I scowled at the sight of her and made my way into the living room where my other siblings would be. Nick was now on the edge of the armchair, Josh had sat back down with Avery and the twins were perched on either side of the armchair. I sighed and sat in the doorway like the normal child I was and waited. "Are you seriously telling me that there is no woman here to talk business?" I presume James nodded or answered very quietly because the next thing we heard was our mothers very pissed off voice. "I did not waste hundreds of pounds to get here from Tokyo as quickly as possible, for you to tell me that you lied to me about there being a potential business partner!" She was raging right now, and that rarely ever ended well.

"Welcome to the family." I whispered to Avery who looked kind of scared right now. She looked down at me with a pitiful expression before raising it back up to the doorway behind my head.

"Who the hell are you?" I turned around to see Mel's eyes boring into Avery and scrutinizing every inch of her. I stood up in front of her with anger in my eyes.

"She's your daughter, bitch." Mel looked shocked to see me actually speaking, let alone to her. Apparently the words hadn't sunk in yet.

"Do not speak to me like that you absolute waste of oxygen."

"Don't speak about our sister that way." Avery spoke up.

"She isn't anyone's sister. She has no family."

"That's not what I see you old crone." I spat forcefully. I pointed to my siblings behind me. "That little one there is Nick Thompson, your youngest son, the one who wouldn't have existed if I was actually the boy you wanted. That one there is Josh Thompson, the boy who is eighteen months older than me, his sister, and never lets me forget it. That's Leo and Liam Thompson. The most annoying seventeen year old twins you could ever meet, but also the most amazing. This one is James Thompson, the eldest of the group, the leader and all of these boys and the best brothers that anyone could ever ask for, and in case you hadn't realised, they're mine. Now you see that girl sitting quietly over there? That is Avery Benson, or as she was once known; Avery Thompson. Born a year after James, the big sister who we didn't know about until yesterday. The one you fucked over because she wasn't a boy. These are my siblings, I am their sister and they are my family. You may be our birth mother, but you are not family, not to us." I was breathing heavily after my rant and my siblings had each taken a stand behind me, to show they were standing up to Melanie, the bitch who popped us out. She laughed at her children standing up to her and shook her head.

"Oh Lia. You're so stupid and naive. Why would these people ever love you or think you were family?" I looked at her in disbelief.

"Did you hear nothing I just said? I listed off each of your children to you, my family, and you still insist that no-one loves me?"

"I think it's best if you left. You aren't wanted or needed here." Liam spoke up and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't contact us again." Leo joined on my other shoulder.

"Go back to Tokyo or anywhere for that matter, as long as it isn't here with us." Nick stood next to me and I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"We don't want you here anymore." James stood behind the twins and placed his hands on each of their shoulders.

"Get out of our house." Josh added with a hateful glare towards Mel.

"I'm glad I didn't grow up with your pathetic excuse of parenting." Avery sneered from my other side. Mel stood silently in front of us the whole time. Once we were standing proud she smirked and left the house, but not before she shouted over her shoulder.

"You ungrateful pieces of shit will regret ever being born."

The Thompsons.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz