Chapter 6: Condition

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Daiki's POV

My mind is still drifting off from what happened last last night. It's disgusting for kissing somebody's nose because it's sweaty if you'll think about it carefully. But for me, it was ... cute.

I blinked when I realized what I just thought. I flicked my own forehead and stand up to ready myself to school. Since it's monday again.

As usual, me and Chii walk together to school. Him being as bubbly as always, talking about the announcement from his teacher that every class would have an exchange students from the other class. I just smile while he's talking about many stuffs too including Yamada. He also told me that the leader of the group that I encountered last week was Yuya Takaki. He said something about Takaki being a bi because he never seen with his girlfriend so that, everyone was wondering if he really have one.

I just nod and nod but silently all the informations that Chii said remained on my mind. Maybe that's why he did that. Eh?? Does he have a crush on me? No way! I felt myself became pale just by thinking of it.

I just noticed that we were at the hallways already when Chii patted my shoulder waving a goodbye.

I went to my locker to change my shoes then proceeds to my classroom and sit on my usal chair. Second to the last row. I looked at my back wondering where my everyday present classmate. Maybe he would gonna be the exhange student. I fixes my glasses and just look infront when sensei walk inside.

"Ohayou, I forgot to announced this yesterday but today if you heared from the other class, we will have an exchange students. This is for them to be able to interact with everybody and it can help this as well to fix their attitudes. This is what the Principal wanted", he announced before 2 guys walk in with their scary aura. I didn't dare to look up when I saw who are them.

I gulped looking forward on what would be my life from now on.

Takaki's POV

Tss. I didn't know this would be our 2nd punishment. I thought it would just be the usual. What a pain in the ass. I groaned in madness while me and Hikaru is tailing the old man sensei where his room is. As you can see. WE are the exchange students.

We are not stupid nor smart. We are just the average. Well, at the first place we are rich but I'm not being boastful. It's just that studying was no fun unlike fighting.

We walked in after a minute and I didn't dare to look around since I'll just see their scared faces. But I smirked inwardly when my eyes landed on the poor guy at the back who's bowing down maybe for us to not recognized him. Well since he took my interest to bully him. I'll sense him whenever he's near.

Looks like the fate is in me. I thought since I got to think of the condition carefully over the weekend that passed.

When the teacher said that we can sit on the vacant seat. I walk to the table behind him and sit. I stared at his back smirking and glances at the teacher when he began to teach infront.

"Chibi." I uttered lowly just enough for him to hear only.

He didn't budge and just continue writing notes.

I'm too lazy to write do I just stare blankly at the sensei infront and wait until it's break time.

Hikaru's POV

He's cute. I suddenly said on my mind while I am staring at the cute chibi that has a nickname Dai-chan. Even though his glasses and hair slightly covers his cheeks you can still see the visible redness of it.

I chuckled softly imagining how it would feel if I'll pinch it.

"Maa ikaa~" I mumbled a little bit motivated to take down notes on the board.

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