Chapter 21: Fear

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Yuya's POV

I'm currently with my family having a vacation since it's been a while that they got home here in Japan. So they decided to spend the days that they are off from work with me. They said they missed me but I actually missed my Dai-chan more.


I probably should call him later after eating.


Yeah I probably should, or even text him so I can be sure that he's having fun with his brother Ryutaro.


I snapped back when my father raises his voice making me look at him.

"Yes Papa?"

I'm an adult indeed but calling my father and mother as Papa and Mama didn't change at all since I'm used to it.

"We've been calling you many times and yet you are spacing out", my father stated before eating a slice of steak.

"What's wrong Yuya? Is there something wrong?", my mother calmly said while looking at me with her eyes full of worry.

I blinked and smile.

"No, it's nothing. I just missed a certain person", I answered assuring them that I am fine.

That's right I missed Daiki but this is a precious and rare time for my parents and I to spend the days. So maybe I should not worry too much since he is with his brother all along. Also, enjoying this time with my parents would probably make my Daiki happy.

I just hope Daiki feels the same.

Daiki's POV

"Nii-chan.. uuu.. nii-chan!" A voice suddenly echoes not from a far  calling out to me.

"Dare? Who's that?" I answered looking around from all the tall trees surrounding me.

"Daiki nii-chan tasukette..!"

I can hear that the person calling to me was crying desperately.

"Ryuu? Ryuu where are you!"

I run and run when I realized who's calling out to me. I run to where the voice are coming in order to find my brother. Even the sharp branches and thick grass is the path I am taking. I didn't care as long as I can find my brother.

"Nii-chan.. I'm lost.. please save me.." The voice lowly said as if the person is getting farther.

"Don't worry! I'm coming..Just stay there!"

I run faster even if my feet hurts and I can feel that there are so many scratches on my legs from the branch that I stepped into.

Moving a small tree with thick leaves reveal my little brother with bloody hands and a dead dog lying in front of him with an open stomach.

"R-ryuu.." I gaped in fear and looks at my brother who is crying and looking at me.

"Nii-chan.." He sobbed but his face suddenly turns into a murderous look before standing up and charging to me.

He gripped my neck tight and it suffocates me but I didn't kick or fight him back. When I was about to lose air, suddenly--!

"RYUU!" I pants and closes my eyes tight catching my breath.

What's that? A memory? A sign?

Opening my eyes slowly reveals an unfamiliar surrounding. I looks around and notice that I am in a small room that is made of woods. I sighed in relief realizing that I am alive. Looking down I saw a cloth around me as if making me warm.

"You're awake?" I heared someone says from the door.

It looks like he just entered.

I nod as a reply and some click made my head hurt so much. Holding my head and closing my eyes tight made the person walk near me.

"You feel dizzy, right? It must be because of your fever" I felt him touching my forehead.

"It's getting lower I'm glad" he said making me look at him and notice that I actually know him.

"Hikaru? What are you doing here?" I asked in curiousity.

"It should be my line, why are you here alone in the forest by the way?" He asked sitting beside me.

"Well all I can remember was my brother brought me here to see the beautiful lake and flowers then when he picked up his phone I didn't find him anymore" I replied sitting properly beside him.

He nods and looks down.

A sudden silent surrounds the room which made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Looks like there's a rainstorm. It haven't stopped yet since earlier." He said looking out at the window of the room.

I looked out as well and sigh.

"Can't I go home yet? I wanted to be sure if my brother Ryuu got home already." I softly mumbled.

"I think you can't yet. We might get lost or your fever might get even higher if we go out that heavy rain" He answered before looking at me.

"Is that so?... well...I miss Yuya too", I whispered the last part but widen my eyes when Hikaru suddenly hold my hand.

"Ne, can you not mention Yuya? Even for this time. Don't mention him", he said squeezing my hand a bit which made me shocked.

"Anou.. Hikaru, can you let go of my hand?" I tried to slowly pulled my hand but it makes him hold it tight which made me winced.

"No. Actually Daiki..", he start to lean closer to me which caused me to back away slowly that made me dizzy even more because of my fever.

"..I like you, no. I love you. Can you choose me instead of Yuya?" He said which made me widen my eyes and looks away when I suddenly felt fear just by looking at his sharp eyes.

"G-gomen Hikaru but I love Yuya. You know, I may not be that person for you so please let go of my hand. It hurts.." I tries to pulls my hand harshly. But upon getting my hand back Hikaru suddenly stands and pushes me down to hovers me.

"I'm going to be selfish for now. For now, I want to feel how Yuya feels you. For now, let me be in Yuya's place, okay? Just think of me as him. The way I'll touch you, kiss you or even make love to you" He smiled rather creepy while looking down at me before he caress my cheek which made me shiver more in fear.

"Please no..I beg you Hikaru. Please stop" I tries to struggle away and push him by his chest but he is much stronger also my fever kept me weak.

Somebody! Please help me! Yuya! ...

Help me.

A/N: Hi everyone! Tadaima~ It's been.. 3 months without me updating this xD Gomenasai ne. My feels suddenly lessen for TaDaiki so I needed months for me to have my feels back again. Actually my laziness struck as well hahaha

Btw, I graduated junior high school last April 4 yey! Way to go for senior high school! ♡♡♡ Also my summer is until July so before my summer ends I promise to finish this fanfic of mine ^_^

Thank you for those who kept waiting, who kept on voting, who kept on commenting! I really really appreciate it guys. If it weren't for it all, probably I didn't continue this fic anymore hahaha xD

Also, i'll post the next chapter later or tomorrow. I'll try to post one chapter everyday or every other day to make it up for 3 months without updating hahaha~ ♡

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