Chapter 22: Little Brother

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Hikaru's POV

I look at Daiki who's under me. He really is scared. My mind was to kiss him wildely, to touch him all over his body and to ravish him.

Toughen up! You agreed to the plan!

My mind keeps on yelling to make me do it but... no. I won't do it if he does not love me. I won't do if he wants to. I love him after all and all I wanted was to see him happy.

"Hikaru.. pls.. stop..", he whimpered crying with his eyes close.

Ah~ this tears was because of me. I should stop now.

"G-gomen", I stutter before sitting properly with my back on him.

I smiled softly and messes my hair.

This sucks.

"H-hikaru?", he tries to call me still I can sense that he is trembling.

Turning my head to look at him made him backs away and looks away as well.

"I'm so sorry. Forget what I said. Forget everything that I did. It's true I love you but inflicting pain to you is not right", I smiled looking at him with sincere eyes.

I'm sorry but your plan didn't work because of me.

I stood up when I noticed that the rain stops already. Stretching my arms before looking at Daiki.

"I got my car at the side of the road. I'll take you home." I said before getting out of the hut first.

Suddenly my cellphone rings so I picked it up since I know who it is.

"Did you do it like what I planned to?"

I smirked.

"Yeah yeah, so feel at ease already little boy"

"Good, for that keep him. I don't need him as anymore"

"Then I'll be glad to take him with me..home."

I ended the call after and shakes my head looking up the sky.

This boy surely holds a big grudge to Daiki.

A sudden poke from behind made me blink.

"Take me home", Daiki said looking down holding his shirt tightly.

I just nod and walk slowly so he can follow. Silence surrounds us both making me feel even more guilty. I opened the doors pf the car and ride on the driver seat waiting for Daiki to ride the passenger seat before starting the engine.

Daiki should know what happened but how would I tell him. I bet letting HIM tell Daiki by himself would be better.

I hope so.

Daiki's POV

Riding Hikaru's car made me nervous and uncomfortable well who aren't?! After he almost do something to me.

I bite my bottom lip preventing myself from tearing up and instead stay silent while he drive going to my home.

Hikaru is a nice guy after all. Not doing anything bad to me and even taking me home. He really is Yuya's friend and that's why I am glad. Even with that, I can feel at ease.

Silence is what surrounds us both but maybe that's enough to tell how we avoid talking about what he almost did earlier. Palming my own forehead made me remember that I still have a fever. Thankfully, my headache lessen already.

"We're here", he said before stopping the car in front of my house.

I nod as a response and gets out of his car walking to the front door before opening it since it's not locked.

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