Chapter 13: The NIGHT

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Daiki's POV

Yuya's action is weird. I can't help but to look at him while he drive. I don't know why he is being silent since earlier he pulled me to ride on his car. I was actually about to protest because suddenly pulling me from our classmates was rude. I still wanted to bid a goodbye and thank them for the hardwork but I didn't pulled away at his hold because his face is plain and I don't know how to describe him right at the moment.

"Yuya..." I called his name softly but I receive nothing.

"Yuya is there something wrong?" I called again and see his grip on the steering wheel tightened.


"There is!" He suddenly yelled. He sigh deeply before stopping the car and faces me.

"Daiki please... say yes... I can't hold it back anymore" he said making me confused as to what his question is for me to answer yes.

All I did was blink at him, blink with confusion. So I waited for him to continue his sentence but he sighs again and lower his head rubbing his face with both of his palm.

"Yuya...? What's the matter? I-i can't understand what are you talking about..." I said half whisper and was about to put my palm on his shoulder but he suddenly look at me straight on my eyes.

"Let's do 'it' Daiki." He said more likely stated.

"Do what?"

"Do what normal couples do." He said again.

"You mean..." I already have an idea what he's talking about but I wanted to hear it from his on lips.

"Let's have sex." I blinked at what he said. It's just my guess but I didn't know he'll say it directly while looking deep into my eyes and our faces only 3 inches apart.

"Wait wait! Do you really mean that? I mean I mean...!" I panicked when images began to form in my mind. I blushed at what dirty things we could both do but also nervous since we are both guys and it will be super painful on my part.

He holds my hands and kissed the back of it softly before he smiled warmly to me.

"Relax. I think I can still control myself a little more. I'll just wait more for you to say yes. I don't want to force you so maybe a sleepover with me on my house would just be fine. I promise we'll only do the things we usually do. No perverted stuffs." He said softly but I can see deep in his eyes that he was hoping...

...hoping that I would say my 'yes' to him. I can see it and I can feel it.

Yuya's POV

After our talked on my car we went to my house. Like what I am expecting, Kota is out and my parents still haven't came back yet from abroad. Well it was okay if it means I still could spend more time with my Daiki. So here we are at the living room cuddling while watching some action movie. He was curled up on my hug and he keeps on eating the Pocky I gave him just earlier when we got here.

I should look at the screen but I want to watch his happy face more while watching. Thankfully because the lights are turn-off so he could not notice that I was just staring at him since the movie started that I didn't know it ended until he looks up to me.

"Yuya~" he called me while blinking maybe he's sleepy.

"Hai? Nani? You wanna sleep? Or are you hungry?" I said fixing his bangs that are covering his eyes. He should have a haircut already.

"No, not yet. I just wanna go upstairs." He said and smiled before pulling away from our hug and standing up running to my room maybe.

Instead of following him I went to the kitchen first and drink a glass of water to make me calm down. Actually while we are cuddling I keep on staying my lower part to not stick on his skin or else I might not control myself anymore. Gladly it all went well and all I needed to do was to be calm and don't think perverted stuffs about Daiki.

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