Chapter 25: If This was a Movie (Last)

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Daiki's POV

It's been days that I stayed in the hospital because of my fever and fatigue. The Doctor suggest that I should rest at home more so I decided to go home today with Yuya.

My mother said she have to fixed something first and my brother volunteered to help her so they left the hospital an hour ago. Me and Yuya are already at his car going to my home.

"Daiki, before we go home is there some places you want to go?" Yuya asked while driving.

"No, nothing in particular I just want to sleep and rest at home", I answered glancing at him to smile.

Since my drowsiness kicked I can't help but to peacefully close my eyes and take a quick nap on the way home.

"Nii-chan daisuki~" my little brother says while clinging to me.

"Nii-chan too loves Ryuu very much", I answered pinching his both cheeks.

"Ne ne~ Nii-chan, when we grow up I'll protect you from bad people", Ryuu said with confidence and determination which made me chuckle.

"But that's Nii-chan's job", I replied patting his head.

"Ryuu still wants to protect Nii-chan", he said with a small pout which is very cute for a 5 year old Ryuu.

"Okay okay", I smiled.

"Dai-chan! Ryuu! Time for cookies!" We heard our Mom yelled from the kitchen which made us look at each other.

"Nii-chan let's go! That's cookies and ice cream!" Ryuu excitedly said getting off my lap and pulling me from the kitchen.

"Hai hai~" I answered chuckling nefore running with him to our Mom.


I heared someone calls my name and shaking me a bit.


I groaned opening my eyes and blinking. I let my eyes be adjusted to the surrpunding and beightness of the day first but something wet and soft landed my lips which made me realized Yuya kissing me already.

I was about to kiss him back but he quickly pulled away with a smile before pinching my cheek.

"Where here already sleepy penguin", he said which made me glared at him with a little pout before looking outside.

"Let's go", Yuya said after he opened the door on the passenger seat with his hand extending for me to take.

"Arigatou", I said smiling after taking his hand holding it tight.

"Everyone's waiting already", he mumbled which made me confused.

"Everyone?" I asked with a knit eyebrows.

"You'll see", he winked.

I am still confused at the moment but just let him pulled me gently to the front door of our house. I looked at him since he gripped the doorknob but not opening it. I saw him glanced at me first before pushing the door open.


What surprised me was everyone literally everyone I know are there standing on the living room with a party pop in their hands and a banner with my name on it.

It'd my birthday today. I forgot it is April 15 today.

I'm still shocked and just blinked at everyone but I suddenly felt Yuya squeezed my hand.

"Otanjoubi Omedetou Dai-chan", he whispered with a gentle smile on his face before it sinked in to me that it really is my birthday today.

Seeing Mom and Ryuu, my bestfriend Chinen and Yamada together, Kei and Yabu as well, class President Yuto and Keito, and all our classmated made me happy that I just suddenly felt tears dripping down my cheeks.

Cutie's DeliquentOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora