Chapter 24: Remembering All

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Yuya's POV

Driving my car to the hospital where Daiki is currently is, I can't calm down and keep on biting my nails whenever the stopligjt always comes red on every streets.

Hurry hurry pls.

When I saw that the stoplight becomes green I quickly press the accelerate with my foot to drive fastly.

Why does I feel like the hospital is far from where I am even though it's just a half an hour drive.

After passing by another stoplight upon turning to a certain street another stoplight comes at red.

"I'm getting annoyed by all this, they didn't even consider the time at a time like this like seriously?" I mumbled to myself raising an eyebrow and tapping the steering wheel with my finger.

I jump a bit from my seat when my phone suddenly rings signalling an incoming call. Picking it up quickly made me realize that I haven't look who's the caller.

"Moshi moshi?"

"...Yuya it's Hikaru"

I can't hear Hikaru that well but then I decided to hold my phone and nears it on my ear.

"Yes Hikaru what is it?" I answered nicely since after all he's my friend although he is trying to steal Daiki from me and as if I'll allow that to happen.

"Take care of Dai-chan the most. Don't you ever hurt such a person who has a pure heart like him. No one can be like him." He added and it made me smile sincerely.

"I know that so no need to remind me. Why? You give up already?" I added chuckling a bit and holding the steering wheel with my one hand only and driving the car again when the light comes green.

"You got it. Sorry for intruding your relationship with him", he said.

"No worries, in fact I know there's many people out there who feels the same as us towards Daiki though i'm just a lucky he chose me", I replied smiling while driving a bit slowly already since I'm holding my phone.

"Yeah right, that's a ll I just want to say jaa", the last thing he said before he ended the call.

I blinked and smile realzing a thing.

I'm very lucky. Kami-sama thank you for allowing me to be Dai-chan's lover. I'm so happy.

I was about to place down my phone but a text suddenly pops out. Reading it from Arioka-san made me smile even more.

Daiki is awake.

I'm glad.

Accelerating more made me reach the hospital fastly. After parking my car I immediately runs inside and to the room where he is after asking the nurse.

Barging it without knocking made me be surprised as well since Daiki and his brother Ryuu is currently hugging each other.

I pant and smile seeing them before walking beside Arioka-san.

"Arioka-san thank you for everything", I said a bit lowly.

She looked at me with tears on her eyes before nodding.

"Same here Yuya", she pats my shoulder before hugging her both sons too.

I'm glad even though I haven't know anything yet about what happened but I think no need to know since they all ended up as family who loves each other.

Ryuu's POV

I somehow prepared myself outside my brother's room thinking how should I start apologizing with everything I did. After minutes I decided to enter the room silently closing the door after.

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