paragraph 7

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Chris POV


"Family of Knowles." The doctor called out
(Replay over)
Everyone ran over to the doctor.

What's  going on doc? Is she okay?
Can I see her?" I asked nervously.

"Well she's in acoma." The doc said.

Some waits were lifted off me once I found out she survived.

"Can you take me to her please." I asked

"Yes of course, follow me."The doc said.

"Heres her room." The doc said letting me in

I walked in and nearly died at what I seen. I just busted out in tears. I ran over to her.

"Bey, I'm so sorry I love you with everything I have please dont leave me." I said kissing her lifeless hand.

5 months later

Bey hasnt woke up yet and im slowly dying everyday. Ive had 8 shows now and i moved into a mansion. Ive been payin Beys rent these last months so that she wouldnt get kicked to the curb.

(Beys POV)

I was with my grandma who died when I was little I missed her so much.

"Bey your not supposed to be here." Grandma said.

"You have to go back now before its to late." Grandma said.

"What about you. You can come to." I said as she shook her head.

" We'll meet again. Through that door, now go." She pointed.

"Thank you I love and miss you always, your never forgotten." I said

"I love you more, know I'm always with you." She said

Then I went through the door, and seen a really bright light. I slowly opened my eyes to see my mom and dad, momma Joyce, and Chris

"Chr-Chris." I said with a raspy voice.

"Beyonce! She's awoke." He yelled

"I'll go get the doctor." Rih said.

"Bey are you okay." Chris asked me.

"I'm thirsty." I said

He went and got me some water and came back. I drunk the water so fast.

"What happened?" I asked.

Everybody looked down

"Well you were shot." Chris answered.

"Shot!! By who?" I asked.

"Kae." Chris said through gritted teeth.

"Oh yeah yesterday, I remember now." I said as Chris shook his head.

"Bey you been in acoma for 5 months. Chris said

The doctor then walked in.

"Hey Beyonce how are you?" He asked.

"Im ready to go home can I leave please?" I asked.

"Yes you can Mr.Brown here has already signed your discharge papers." He said.

"So I can go now?" I asked

"Yes you may." He answered and walked out.

Chris helped me up and I got my stuff together, I spoke to my momma and dad, And then they left I spoke to Rih then she left and I hugged momma Joyce and she left then me and Chris left.

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