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(Next day)

I was on my way to me and Aubrey's house to get some of my things. Chris had to go to an intervie- speaking of him he's calling

(Phone convo)
Hello. He said


Hey beautiful what you doin?

I smiled when he said that

On my way to get a few of my things

Bey! I thought we were going together?

I just thought I'd go now since i had nothing to do. Im sorry

You drove?

No Tj is takin me

Okay well you call me if you got any problems with his ass ok


Im serious bey

Okay chris i will

Okay baby I love you

Love you to Chris
(End of convo)

I was just watchin as we passed by different houses and I admired how beautiful they were

But before i knew it we pulled in my driveway

Thanks Tj. I said gettin out my car

I decided to use my key. So i walked in

All i smelled was weed and liquor

I went in our room and Aubrey was sitting there with bags under his eyes and he smelled. I instantly plugged my nose


Huh? He said still looking straight ahead

Are you okay?

Doesn't matter

It does matter. Did you eat today?

Nope. He said popping the p

Oh my gosh. Do you want me to make you something?

He looked at me
No bey i want you to be with me we are supposed to get married

Aubrey im sorry, i dont wanna get married and hurt you babe

He got up and hugged me around my knees

Bey please dont do this look at me im shit without you.


I cried feeling so bad and guilty

Bey please just stay. Dont leave me

Aubrey i cant stay. Im so undecided. I cried


A-Aubrey please

Please I love you.

Im sorry i have to go. I tried getting away

Bey No stay with me your my besfriend, the love of my life, my other hand, your my fiance

Im so sorry Aubrey i dont know what happened.

He grabbed me and kissed me
(*later that day*)
I ended up haveing sex with Aubrey

I woke up next to Aubrey who was sound asleep

I went to the bathroom and shut the door I looked at myself in the mirror and broke down I dont know what to do anymore. I continued to look at myself and i punched the mirror
Blood drained from my hand

I grabbed my stuff and snuck out with my hand still leaking

I hopped in the car and Tj was asleep


He woke up and pulled

Im sorry about that

Its alright Mrs. Knowles

You can call me bey Tj. I laughed

He laughed

Hey but are you okay? He said lookin back at my hand

Oh yeah I'm fine

I checked my phone and i had 36 missed calls from chris. I called him back

Hello!! He yelled


Baby are you okay?

Yeah im Alright Chris

Where are you?!

Im on my way back

Alright. Love you

L-L-Love you to

You straight?

Yeah just tired

Yeah you been packin all your stuff. Of course your tired he laughed

I dont have anything

Whatchu mean?!

We'll talk later chris

He hung up

I pulled up and got out

Thanks Tj you can go home for the day

Thank you, you have yourself a great rest of your day. He said before pullin off and i walked in

Chris was watching tv but he looked mad


He didnt respond


You had sex with that nigga?!

My bottom lip started to shiver

Im sorry. I cried

Its alright bey dont cry

I was just staring at chris


There was a bang on the door

I opened it to Aubrey

Bey why did you leave?!


Because she's mines. Chris said

I felt all my emotions about to explode
I ran out the house hearing them callin my name. I just ran until i couldnt anymore. Somebody picked me up

Baby. Chris said

I started to cry
I just want it all to stop all of it i just cant deal with this right now. I cried

Im tired i jusr need a break from everyone. I said, i felt something coming up from my throat and i got down from chris and ran to the nearest spot then i threw up.
Chris held my hair and patted my back
I finally finished throwing up everything i ate and chris looked like he had something to ask me
What? I said
Are you preg-
Dont say that!! Thats the last thing i need right now
He just nodded
Well beyonce i want you to know that threw all the rain and storm i love you threw all of it

Unreliable( Chreyonce Story)Where stories live. Discover now