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Chris POV
"Do you know how fucked up you are?" Aubrey asked. "Why the fuck are you associating with me bitch nigga" i responded. " I fucking love that mutha fuckin girl man. And here you come fucking our shit up. Why the hell couldnt we be happy together? Huh?" A grin formed on my face but it was more of a sarcastic smile. " She is and always will be mine, she is my baby and I love her and she loves me thats why she still wit ah nigga like me, feel me?" I said and He scoffed getting up and passing bey as she walked back in. "Hey where are you going?!" he only kept walking. "What happened Chris?" she asked. I  shrugged and stood walking over to her placing my hands on her hips. I looked her in her brown eyes and observed her coffee and creme skin. "Your beautiful." a smile creeped up on her face. I started moving my head closer to her so that our foreheads were touching and inhaled her sweet strawberry scent. I leaned a little closer as she wrapped her arms around my neck and as i leaned in to simply peck her lips she denied my offer. "Chris I dont wanna move to fast okay?" she asked caressing my cheek with the back of her soft hand. "Okay. I smiled understandingly. "So about this baby." I said bringing both her hands in mine. "We are going to come together and take care of my daughter" i said as a smile soon appeared on her face. "And how exactly do you know its a girl?" she asked rubbing over my knuckles with her thumb looking me in my eyes. "Its a dad thing." i smiled as she chuckled. "Im gonna check on the kids after I check outta this hospital and trust and believe they got something coming." I said wrapping my arms around her waist. " Okay." she said letting me go but i grabbed her once again looking her in her eyes as she did the same. "What?" she questioned with a chuckle. "I love you" I said as her head dropped to the foor. "Chris ple- Just say it back". I cut her off. "Chris- Please beyonce i need to know i still gotchu." I cut her off again. " I-I need time okay?" she said bringing her eyes back to mine as i let her go. " Ight " I said walking away from her. "Chris dont be like that." " Like what?! I asked turning back around with both my hands in the air.  " Like that. I just need time to sort things out with myself. It doesnt mean i love you less. It just means I need time to think." she said as she grabbed my hands that were now across my chess. "Cant you please try to see the change in me?" I said pressing my forehead against hers. " I do. I just need to make sure its gonna stay that way chris baby." she said placing her warm soft hand over my cheek slowly caressing my lip.
Damn man i want this girl...

I pulled into my mothers driveway tryna calm myself so I dont hurt my own kids.
I spotted my mom in her chair on the porch knitting something.
"Hey momma." I said hugging her. "Hey my baby." she said kissing my cheek. "Where they asses at?" I said instantly feeling the back of my head being slapped. "Christopher!" she yelled. I chuckled. "Sorry." I still laughed off. " I know your upset w- Upset aint even the word for how im feeling. I cut her off. "Boy dont cut me off."She said as I chuckled. " "Now I know your not happy with them but dont yell at my babies. Listen to what th- Momma she was drunk and naked and she new I was coming! I cut in. " Just talk to them Christopher. Mom- Chris think about if you were in there situation with me.  Just talk to them baby." She said. " Aight momma." I sighed. I walked in the house to see chris on the couch. " Aye get up." I tapped his knee. " Oh wassup dad. He said rubbing his eye. " Where ro? I asked slightly annoyed. "I dont know Somewhere round here." he shrugged. "Whatchu mean somewhere? Get ya ass up and find her." I spat. He scoffed getting up. "What you got something to say boy?! I said sternly. "Chris stop it." my momma said. I mentally rolled my eyes as he made his way out the room. " Christopher you need to calm down! That boy did nothing for you to jump on his case like that. Look I know your upset with them, I am to but there teenagers yelling at them aint it. Your words are going in one ear and out the other! Trust me I know look in the mirror!" She said as I lightly chuckled as she joined in. " But seriously just talk to your kids. After all there just little versions of yo bad butt. She chukled as i reminisced about things i used to do which was followed by a laugh. Soon after Ro and Chris came down and my momma gave me a look then walked out. " Dad im sorry I dont know what happened! Royalty cried which switch my mean attitude quick. Seeing her cry just aint it for me. She hugged me around my torso and cried on my chest. Its alright royalty. " can we go see mom?" she sniffled off. " Yeah but we have to go now then." she nodded then her and chris headed off to get there things. " I made my way to the car kissing my mommas cheek on the way. I sat in the car turning up the radio in my red and grey Ferrari

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