paragraph 25

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I just need you to stay with your father ill be back Royalty
Mom where are you going and why cant i come?!
Royalty i just need a break from everyone please baby just leave it alone okay.
Alright mom be safe I love you.
I love you more royalty
Thank you for this Chris i wont be gone long
Your welcome. He said
Yes mom. He yelled running down the steps
I want you to listen to your dad and sister okay? Ill be back i love you okay
I love you to mom.
Remember were only a call away if you need us momma. He said
I know. I said
Alright guys love you, bye. Ill call you guys as soon as my jet lands
I walked to the car and tj opened my door revealing my body gaurd

Hello. I spoke
Hey bey how are you today.
Im good how are you
Im great. I said sarcastically
Doesn't sound like it
I dont even want to talk about it
I just need time to think ya know?
Yeah i know. He said
We landed and i was on my way to my mothers house, she doesn't really speak to me so i was kinda scared to just pop up

Knocked on her door and my mom opened the door
What are you doing here?! My father said
I looked down
I just need some mother and fatherly talks please?
He just opened the door wider and walked away
I walked in and found momma in the living room
Hey mom. I said
Beyonce? Why you here?
I just need to talk to you guys. I said
Bad time in life? My dad asked
I nodded
Well it would be alot better if you would've just been a lawyer or doctor! My dad shouted
I just shook my head
I Agree beyonce, your wasting your life. My mom said
Why cant you guys be happy for me? Im living my dream, my dream of using my voice to entertain, i make good money while doing it so why does it bother you so much?! Huh?! I said
Beyonce you dont even wear clothes! My dad said
Oh wow. I mumbled
You know what? I didn't come all this way to be judged. I said getting up and walking away
Well then you never should've come at all. My bad said
Wow. I said walking to the car.
Tj instantly hopped out the car getting my door
Thanks. I said looking down
I can help myself. I thought
I had tj drop me off at a celebrity gym
I worked, I thought, and i cleared my mind, getting my head on straight. I talked to myself the whole way
I was just finishing up and i bumped into someone.
Im sorry. I said looking up at nicki
Oh hell nahh. I said
She tried to get around me but i stopped her
So yo ass deserves ah real ass whoopin... But its coo keep movin on with your day. I said letting her go
I walked away leaving her standing there
I felt all my pains and problems lift off of me
I decided to go back home
I arrived and i walked in and there were rose petals and candels on the ground making a trail so i followed it preparing myself for the outcome
It led to the bedroom which was closed so i opened it and it revealed chris laying in bed sleep with a spot with rose petals
Chris. I said
He jumped up
Oh you finally made it?!
How did you know i was coming back today? I asked
I called your parents and they told me you were leaving
How are you though? He asked
Im better. I said
Thats good. He said standing up in front of me. He walked closer to me and grabbed me by my waist
Beyonce please dont marry him. Im sorry for everything I've done to you. I love you and i know i say this all the time but this is really coming from the heart man
Just give me one more chance please?! He said
I sighed
And what if you do fuck up again? Doesnt that mean i basically threw away a good man? I said
I wont. He said pressing his lips against mine
Okay Chris.  I said breaking the kiss.
This is how this his gonna go,  we're gonna take things really slow. Okay?
Okay. He said flashing me that sexy smile that makes me melt inside all the time.
He grabbed ahold of my waist but I unwrapped his arms from around me.  " Were taking it slow okay "

Okay I respect it. He said
Thank you. I said
He winked at me
I smiled at him and outta know where i felt a gulp in my throat racing up my throat so i ran to the bathroom.
I threw up everything I ate. After i finished I felt the waterworks coming and began to cry. Chris came and wrapped his arms around me i hugged back and honestly it felt good to be back in his arms. " Do you think im pregnant? " I asked him. Lets hope not. He said.
I jumped at the sound of the door knock and I went to open the door and i opened the door to see a light toned older guy and he smiled as i did the same. " Can I help you with something?" i asked " Yes i was actually looking for a man by the name of Chris brown." He mumbled. Okay. I then closed the door to get chris,
CHRISSS!!! I yelled leaning on the railing of the steps. His happy go lucky ass came skipping down the steps like a lil ass kid. " Wassup?" he asked grabbing my waiste. Well first of all dont be touching all up on me and there someone out there looking for you. I said makin my way to the kitchen. "Okay" he said fixing himself up quickly. He opened the door with a smile which quickly changed once he faced the nice older guy.
Okay I know what you guys are thinking... Like why the hell i aint posted to this story in like a decade lol, well ive been so busy i havent had time but thats okay because im back and im staying so get reconnected to this story because some serious drama is coming💯😊 oh and im gonna start talking to you guys so yaw can tell me what you guys think, kay? Kay💕

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