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10:14 A.M. July 28th, 2012
Beyonce's hotel room
East of England.


I woke up wrapped in Chris's arms feeling warm and safe. I rolled my eyes at the fact that I had to get up for a interview with the breakfast club. Slowly removing chris arms from around me quietly trying not to wake him. I got out the bed and he rolled on his back. I smiled at him before making my way to the hotel bathroom.

I brushed my teeth washed my face then applied some of my face softner. I threw my hair in a messy bun before jumping in the shower. I washed in my dove body wash once thoroughly and washed once again with my Chanel coco mademoiselle foaming shower gel for the smell. I rinsed my body off seeing chris walk in brushin his teeth.

After rinsin all the soap off of me I turned the shower off getting out. Chris was finishing up washing his face. He dried his face off and smiled at me as I wrapped my short black silk wrobe around my body.

"Good Mornin Bey, How you sleep?" he said wrappin his hands around my waist as I smiled.

"Perfect, How you sleep?" I asked as he placed his face in the crook of my neck.

"Wonderful"  He said inhaling me which tickled so it made me giggle.

"You smell good As fuck. Where you going today?" he asked looking into my eyes like he was tryna read me. Like I know damn well he dont think im out here cheatin. Ima see where I can take this.

" Oh No where special. I met a friend the other and were going out for lunch today." I said pulling my makeup bags out my purse. Chris blank faced me threw the mirror as I started my eyebrows.

"Well shit I aint got shit to do i'd be honored to meet yo lil friend." he said crossing his arms makin me chuckle.

"Im playin Chris, I have this interview with the Breakfast Club today. I said applying eyeliner.

Chris walked up behind me kissing and sucking on my neck instantly causing me to moan.

"Chris.... I have somewhere to be baby." I said as he turned me around smashing his lips against mines.

"Me to." he mumbled in my ear before picking me up placing me on the counter.

"W-where?" I asked as he kissed my lips.

"In you." he said in my ear softly making chills run down my back and with that I was done.

He grabbed a hand full of my pony tail pulling it making my head fall back as he slowly kissed my neck soon adding tongue.

I wrapped my arms around him as he roughly but soothingly bit into my neck soon followed by a kiss.

"Chris I have a interview t- Ughhh omg." I moaned as he slid his hand up my short thin robe devouring my neck.

He untied my robe exposing my naked body. He kissed from my neck to my chest marking his territory.

"What time you gotta be there?" he asked kissing me.

"11:30." I mumbled.

Chris nodded his head lifting up off me.

"You cant do that." I said cutting my eyes at him.

Chris chuckled looking over at me. He got closer to where his face was inches away from mines.

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