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11:34A.m. October21st, 2012
Beyonce and Chris's house. Today was the day of the gender reveal/ Baby Shower
3 months later
Chris pov

Bey is 8 months going on nine and today is the baby babyshower/gender reveal party.

"Okay so the gender reveal game is?" she asked super stressed.

" Were gonna fill 1 black balloon with blue and were gonna hit it back and fourth with paddles until it bust baby, stop stressin." I said wrapping my arms around her.

"Im wearing blu-ish green your wearing pink." she blurted out.

"Why I gotta wear pink?"

"Becauseeeee I wanna wear the boy color." she whined.

"Ight whatever." I chuckled.

"Okay im gonna go check on the party."

" You better not go in the boy room beyonce its a surprise for later." I said as pouted.

"Please chris!" she begged.

"No beyonce, you can wait a few hours." I said as she sighed dramatically.

"Fine." she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Okay this is outrageous! I shouldn't have to wait to know rather my little sibling is a girl or boy! Come on dad. Mom?" Royalty glanced at us with so much hope.

"Put on the color you think the gender is gonna be roro." bey giggled.

"But I dont know." she pouted.

"You better go put pink and blue on then." bey chuckled as I joined.

"Oh thats how yall do yall first and only child as of now? Okay." she said dramatically making me and chris laugh.

"We love you!" bey yelled after her.

Me and bey got our showers and we were getting dressed.

"I dont know what to wear." she whined as I finished getting dressed

" she whined as I finished getting dressed

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"You look nice." she pouted.

" I always look nice. Wear this dress." I said pointing to a turquoise dress.

"Okay." she nodded.

I helped her in the dress and she looked nice. I mean like damn she was fine.

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