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Beys POV

Next day

Chris was upstairs still asleep.
I heard the door open and it was ro.
Bring your fast ass in here! I said as she walked in here with an attitude
What?! She said
Who the hell are you talkin to?!
She blew her breath
Im talking to you!!

I slapped her in her face
You are not grown! You dont pay no mutha fuckin bills round this bitch so quit actin like it!! I yelled
Lil Chris came runnin down the steps
Mom? Everything coo?
Go back upstairs! Now!
You! I said pointing ro in her face
Your grounded take your little grown self to your room and get comfortable because you finna be there for awhile. I said
She stormed upstairs bumpin chris as he walked past
Aye!! Chill with the damn attitude show yo respect damn! Chris yelled
Leave me alone!! Ro yelled
Man!! She need her ass whooped. Chris said
Chris it's coo just let it slide. I said
Chris smacked his teeth
Im doin a show today. I said
Really? Its been a while
Yeah i know but i miss my fans.
Okay coo.

Chris POV
I was waching bey perform in her dressing room and she was dancing her ass off

Hey chris. Lauryn said

What are you doin here?!

Oh nothing. she said walking up to me

She grabbed me by my dick

Listen baby we will be getting married tomorrow cause if we dont i will end the lives of your little grown daughter your son chris and the one and only beyonce and if you tell anyone which i have secret cameras in you and beys house so will see and hear everything i will not only kill them but they will be tortured first baby. TRY ME! She said then stormed out

Oh Shit!

Beys POV

I just got off the stage and i bumped into someone

Im sor-
What are you doin here lauryn

She just smiled and kept walkin

I stormed into my dressin room

Chris! I yelled

Yeah. He said barely over a whisper lookin deep into thought

Why did i just run into Lauryn?!

Ugh she came in here and i told her to leave. Chris said sounding suspicious

Yeah okay. I said thinkin about my plan to find out whats goin on

Aye i gotta go. Chris said


Um ughh i have to go into work today. Chris said

Okay. I said

Chris left and i quietly followed him. I hopped into my car

Rj follow that car. I told my driver
We arrived and we parked on the side line

I got out as chris walked in the house and I decided to walk around the back instead.

The window was opened and i heard chris socializing with lauryn


Hey baby did you make the right decision?


Tell me you love me and only me.

I-I love you and only you.

After hearing that i was broke once again so i just walked through the back door

Unreliable( Chreyonce Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant