Well This is a Shock

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Ana POV:

I've had an enjoyable time visiting Ray. Of course he was getting cranky due to being stuck in a hospital, but at least I knew that with Christian's help he was at least being well taken care of by the staff and with the top of the line electronics. I knew he bought him the flat screen TV that was in his room, as well as the iPad and iPod that he was playing with as I was leaving. As long as he didn't get too addicted to Angry Birds I would be happy with my wonderful husband spoiling her father. I knew Christian was doing this for her and she appreciated it immensely.

As she was walking down the hall towards the exit, she heard her name being called by a familiar voice. Dr. Greene her Gynecologist was calling for her.

"Ana, I'm so glad I caught you."

"What can I do for you Dr. Greene, I know I'm not do for a shot already, we saw you two months ago."

"Well actually, I received a recall on a batch of shots and your last shot was in that batch, we need to get you a new shot, but before that you need to take a pregnancy test to ensure your shot wasn't defective."

"Excuse me Dr. Greene, are you telling me I may be pregnant? I do not feel pregnant, I feel fine! Christian and I are not ready for a baby."

The thoughts of an unwanted pregnancy are filling my head, I'm feeling overwhelmed and I want to hyperventilate, but I keep my cool. If one thing Christian has taught me is to keep my cool in uncomfortable situations, and this certainly is one of them. I blindly follow Dr. Greene to her office. I'm grateful that Sawyer is still in the car so he didn't see me going with Dr. Greene or he'd immediately let Christian know what was up. Somehow his staff has a tendency to over share when it comes to me.

"Ana this test is going to be different, I need to know if you are pregnant within days, not weeks, so I'm going to have to draw blood this time. My nurse Heather will draw a small amount of blood from your arm. She is the best and it will not leave a mark, I promise. I know how you are feeling. I know you are scared and nervous. You are not the only patient I've had to tell this to in the past couple of weeks. Luckily only handful of my patients received shots from this batch. You are the last one I found. You are a hard person to get a hold of Ana."

Dr. Greene looks at me with eyes of kindness and a look of knowing that whatever happens, everything will be alright. I'm glad she seems to think so because she isn't the one who is going to have to tell Christian if I'm pregnant. I could make her though, that would be fun. She also isn't the one whose been living it up the last couple of months going to charity balls, enjoying time with Kate, or drinking wine with Christian at dinner. I hope she realizes this as well. Suddenly I feel a mild pinch on my right arm and a small amount of blood is taken from me. I wonder what will it reveal and how long will it take. Dr. Greene must sense my unease.

"Ana, it won't take long to find out. In the mean time let's sit and talk. I know you are surprised as am I about the shot. If it does end up you are pregnant, you and Christian have every right to sue the company who made the shot for liability, especially if something happens to your baby or to you during your pregnancy. Thus far none of my other patients have ended up pregnant so that is a good percentage for you and Christian, it means that quite possibly you may not be pregnant, especially since you said you are not feeling any kind of pregnancy symptoms. If you do end up being pregnant, all costs will be paid by the company that manufactured the shot. I know you and Christian can afford to pay for everything, but this is part of their liability. They made a mistake, they are at fault, not you or Christian, please believe me when I say that as a doctor I am sorry that a company would do something like they did, but it happened and the people involved are now being brought to justice."

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