Waking Up Dreaming

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Am I dreaming or having a nightmare that I can't wake up from. The images keep plaguing me of Christian's face as I fall into his office. I see him smiling as if he's remembering the first time I fell into his office then his face turns to horror as I know he must realize something is terribly wrong. I hear him screaming but I can't answer him back to let him know that it's just not me he needs to know to that may need care. The words are there but they won't come to my mouth. All I want to do is let him know that blip is in trouble, not to worry about me. I just want him to know he's going to be a daddy. Does he know now? Is he mad at me for not telling him.

I can hear Taylor's frantic voice telling me everything this going to be alright, if only I could hang on. I think I heard him cussing like a sailor, does Taylor even know how to cuss that well. WOW he really threw around some f-bombs if he did. Maybe I dreamt that. Was Sawyer crying, that couldn't have been true, Sawyer is not soft. I swear I heard my dad and Trevor too. Why so many voices and why are they talking so softly like someone has died. Oh no did blip die, please don't let blip be dead, that would just crush me, I think I would just not be the same. I barely know my baby but I already feel so close to him, why do I already think of blip as a him? A miniature Christian. The thought makes me want to laugh, but I can't form a laugh. My brain is disconnected from the rest of my body. I feel so out of control.

So much noise that is not human related, to many beeps and whoosh and whirls. Is it coming from me? I want to open my eyes, I want to move my hands, I want to cry out and let someone know I am here, but I cannot move, what is wrong with me.

Why is Kate crying? She can't be crying she's going to have her baby soon. Oh I have to wake up to see her baby. Her and Elliot are having a baby girl. Kate is so happy, she can't cry. What is she saying to me, why doesn't she make any sense. She sounds like the teacher from the Peanuts. Stop crying Kate I can't understand you I want to yell at her, but the words don't form and she just leaves. Maybe she's having her baby and that's why she's crying because I'm not there to help her.

Who is petting me, I'm not a dog! I don't want to be petted, but the hand is soft and gentle. It's not Christian, but I know he's not far away, he's always here somewhere nearby, I feel him but can't communicate with him. Every time he touches me, I want to leap into his arms, I swear my heart races for him. I know his touch, his scent, his voice, I know my husband in every way. I miss telling him that I love him. I think it's Grace that is brushing my hair with her hand, it feels like she's petting me! What is she whispering to me. Speak up Grace, talk slower. Oh she's talking to Christian about being a grandma. They must be talking about Kate and Elliot. Then why are they talking about twins, Kate and Elliot aren't having twins. Whose having twins. Christian seems very happy about these twins they are talking about. Maybe it's a friend of Grace's. I can feel him squeezing my hand.

How long have I been sleeping. Hours? Days? A week? I wonder if I'm still pregnant. So many questions. Why can't I wake up?

Dr. Green POV

Mrs. Grey has been in the ICU for about 24 hours and I heard from Dr. Tritely a few hours ago that he was waking her from the induced coma. He let me know that she was breathing on her own and all of the swelling on her brain had gone down. Apparently Mr. Grey had not left her side since she has been in the hospital. I have never seen a husband so dedicated to a wife, although we are talking about Christian "get my girlfriend on the shot now" Grey! This is a different man than the one I met those two years ago when he wanted to get Ana on birth control.

He was so dominate and overbearing back then, now he's, well he's still domineering and overbearing, but something about him has changed. He's more open. I think I saw him smile once. He's not as gruff with people either. He certainly has been a lot nicer to me. Although he does pay well. The new Benz in my garage is proof of that, heck my new garage housing the Benz is proof of that. The vacation my husband and I are taking later this year will be proof alone. That is going to have to be postponed. I know how Christian Grey can be and if he wants care for his wife, he's going to want my ass on call 24/7 so until his twins are born Roger and I aren't going anywhere. Just when I got my kids out of the house and off to college, this vacation is a rekindling of us. Oh Bora Bora, my mind drifts as I wander towards ICU.

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