How to Catch a Stalker

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Christian's POV

It's been a few days since Ana and I have escaped to my parents estate into hiding. Ana seems to actually be doing quite well out here in the fresh air. Mom took some time off from the hospital to keep an eye on her, so the nurse that she had the last day didn't have to come out to Bellevue for an interview so soon. Welch had his guys wire up Bellevue as well for added security. Mom and dad now have the latest upgrades in home security, some that aren't even on the market yet.

Most of my security team is based at Bellevue. Welch and Nigel have a two man team staying at Escala waiting for to catch this asshat. Their plan is for him to hopefully try to break into Escala when he sees my vehicle leave for Grey House. Of course every morning and every evening a decoy vehicle is now driven to Grey House from Escala, hoping that whomever is after Ana will make his move and try to break into Escala during that time. So far nothing has happened. Of course, it's only Wednesday, but I'm beginning to become impatient. This plan of their reminds of something out of the road runner cartoons and I have a feeling like the coyote, this guy is going to get away. If that happens heads are going to roll and I'm going to be fucking pissed. I'm getting kind of tired of hanging out at my parents house.

Taylor even is getting antsy. I think he's fixed every piece of lawn equipment my father owns. He said they have everything thing planned out to the finest detail, it all will depend on the unsub now. He said it's like a rat waiting to jump into a trap with cheese. I just want this over and done with. I want to go back to our apartment so we can get the decorator in there and finish up with the twins rooms and Sophie's room.

Dad is working with Taylor to get full custody of Sophie. He is already filing all of the paperwork that is needed. Taylor's ex-wife is just being a stubborn bitch. That woman took him for enough money and is now holding the fact that he works for me over his head. I paid for his daughters education and most of her upkeep, so that woman has no say so right now, only the fact that she is her mother. Taylor already said that she would get visitation, the same amount that she allowed for him, though he didn't tell her that fact. Sophie is going to be quite happy living with her dad and Mrs. Jones, or should I say Mrs. Taylor.

Ana looks so beautiful, glowing and her bump seems to get bigger each day. It could just be my imagination though. I can tell her appetite is better. She's just frustrated she's stuck in a cast. Hopefully the doctor will be out this Friday to see about getting that off of her and into a walking boot instead. I hate to see my baby miserable. I have a feeling we'll have to go to his office or the hospital for more x-rays though to see how she is healing. Thank goodness for Charlie Tango, I can get Stephen to fly us to the hospital and back without much incident.

My weekend plans with dad and Elliot look like they are going to be exceptional as well. It's been quite a while since I've had a weekend camping trip with my father. This should be quite interesting. Taylor is feeling much better since the beating I gave him after our bomb scare, so he will not only be able to enjoy the weekend fishing but also be able to provide close protection for myself so I won't have to take Sawyer. It will be a little more relaxing for all of us.

I'd been sitting at my desk for almost two hours staring off into space when Andrea interrupts my thoughts.

"Mr. Grey you have a call on line one. It's Welch."

"Put him through Andrea, thank you."

I wonder what he wants. I've been sitting on my ass for three days waiting for this guy to make a move. Numb nuts here wants to call me now, it's almost lunchtime, he probably wants me to send him and Nigel a nice little lunch date.

"What's up Welch, do you have anything new for me?"

"Not yet, sir. Nigel fully believes that our plan is a valid one and that the unsub will attempt to break into Escala fully believing that you leaving from there to your office, leaving Mrs. Grey by herself with minimal staff."

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