Black Piano's and Black Dreams

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Christian's POV

    The last thing I needed right now was someone else after my wife. At least I know Jack Hyde is locked up, he's not behind this. He's an asshole but this is crazy. Whoever is after Ana is trying to do away with me and my security team. He wants Ana to himself and he'll do whatever it takes to get her. I need to keep her safe, but at what costs to my team. I've never lost someone I've hired through physical harm. Hell, crashing Charlie Tango with Ros was bad enough for me to really rethink my employee protection plans.

I never thought that I would be so concerned for other humans but when I think about it, Ana has changed me so much that I am. Ana says it's not her that changed me, it was inside me all along, that she just helped bring them to the surface. She may be right, my parents were great role models as were my grandparents. Grandpa Theo and I were well bonded when I was little. He was one of the few people who could touch me without me running off screaming. We would spend hours just sitting under his apple trees talking about anything under the sun. I wonder what he would think of Ana's pregnancy. He'd probably be over the top happy, especially since she's having twins. I should just take Ana out to Grandpa Theo's place to keep her safe, no one knows where it's located, the one perk of keeping my life so secretive. Even that asshole Jack Hyde didn't have any information on Grandpa Theo.

I could barely look at any of my family members in the face while in that damn panic room. Flynn was practically hovering over me like a nuisance. I know he'll want to talk about the whole incident, but right now I just need to gain control in my life. I feel like I've completely lost control and I don't like that feeling. Ana is injured, a nut job is after her, and even though I'm ecstatic we're going to be parents, everything I've planned for and organized seems to have evaporated before my very eyes in the last few weeks. I can't imagine what can happen next, honestly I don't want to either. Mother was looking so pale, I am beginning to wonder if she is afraid of enclosed spaces, father was paying extra attention to her, more so than usual. Maybe I should have Flynn check on her as well. Poor Kate and Elliot just wanted to sleep, actually Kate was asleep. I guess they really do need that nanny. I will ensure that Gail gets on finding them a suitable nanny, they are in serious need of help. It seemed that my security team was ill at ease as well, probably because they were not only of no use, but also trapped in a small room with people they hardly knew.

The only person in the whole room, besides Flynn and his wife, who seemed to actually be at ease was Trevor MacGrill, that kid is an enigma. From what Ana says, and I've observed, he's got a bad case of PTSD due to his time in Iraq and Afghanistan. He's seen a few things that would give me nightmares and that is saying something. He seems like a good guy, so far Welch hasn't found anything too bad. He's living hand to mouth on his monthly stipend from the military, thank goodness Ana started giving him an allowance for his book. Welch did find a bit of a hole in his background that he's going to investigate, but it can't be that bad as he did have a very high security clearance and worked with the SEALs and the hole was before then. Whatever it was, the investigators who ever did his security clearance must have not found anything that was too bad. I could always ask the kid. He probably already knows I'm investigating him, he's smart, I could just ask him. He must not have a problem with enclosed spaces, that is an asset to me, especially if I want to bring him in for added protection for Ana, which I think I may do. Looking over what Welch brought me he is qualified in multiple weapons, hand to hand tactics and he is a fast thinker which I found out earlier this evening. I'd have to talk to Taylor to see what he thinks, of course, since he is the one who actually brings me the new security hires. This would be a first, I still like firsts, and Ana would be so proud of me stepping out of my "comfort zone" to do something like asking Taylor about a new potential security teammate.

Taylor looked so sick this evening, I think he may actually have gotten sick after everyone left. I've never seen him look so green since I've known him. I don't know if it was the fact that a bomb was in his proximity or the fact a bomb breached our apartment. Either way, he needs to realize it is not his fault. It's the fault of this madman. I can only hope that Gail did something to make him realize that as well. I'd hate to lose him over this incident.

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