Flying Away Home

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Christian POV

Taylor let me know that he received a phone call from Welch soon after breakfast. Welch would like to bring on a Mi-6 friend of his to help find this stalker. Apparently the guy is already on his way and will be here at 9PM. Well, without my permission Welch and his numb nuts has already agreed to let this Mi-6 guy head over here. I don't know this asshat, how do I even know if I can trust him. I was pacing in my study like a cat on the prowl. Taylor just sat and looked at me. I think he was waiting for me to stop pacing. Well he could wait, I have all this pent of frustrations, and to top it off I swear my balls are going to bust. I haven't had sex in weeks, not that Ana and I didn't want to, damn we wanted to but shit kept getting in the way.

Taylor is about to open his mouth, but I turn and stare out the window at the Seattle waterfront. I think about what I'm about say, I need to think carefully. I never let anyone in, never! OK, I let Ana in, and look where we are, we are happy, we are going to be parents. Of course we are in danger. If Welch trusts this guy, then I have to trust this guy. I turn around and look at Taylor in the eye.

"Get him set up with everything he needs. You and this Mi-6 guy will be working hand in hand. I want him to be on even par with you. Not as a go between with Welch. I want full access to him. If he has a lead, I want to know the minute he knows. If he needs anything I will get it for him. Have Gail set him up with a room wherever we end up. He will be in as close proximity we are. Set him up with a vehicle, if he doesn't want an Audi, get him what he wants. Whatever he needs he gets it, no matter the price."

"Yes sir. Welch has already ordered some significant security upgrades for Escala. To include the following."

Taylor hands me a sheet of paper. The list looks like something that James Bond or Batman would have in their houses, not something that I would have in my apartment. I don't even want to know what Welch and this Mi-6 guy have planned, but whatever it is, I can only hope it catches this bastard.

"Well, looks like Escala is going to get a bit of a facelift regarding security again. What do you think of all this."

"I think I'm going to have a Batcave for an office, that's what I think! Sorry sir, I just see all of this stuff and I get a little excited.

"I can only imagine Taylor. Ok what else are their wishes, I can only imagine."

"Well, according to Welch, the Mi-6 guy, whose name is Nigel, has asked me to get you and Mrs. Grey out of Escala as soon as possible. He asked that you are to leave as discreetly as possible, if possible to take Charlie Tango, as long as she checks out. I've already placed at call to Stephen to him fly her here and then have him fly you and Mrs. Grey to Bellevue. I've also had Sawyer dispatch a team to the roof to ensure that there are no surprises. I'm also having him set a watch on the roof until Charlie Tango has landed and taken off. Once you and Mrs. Grey are off, a security detail will follow you in an Audi SUV, of course taking precautions along the route to Bellevue. Welch would like to make sure that you and Mrs. Grey are at Bellevue by 1PM so that he can meet with you at that time to discuss the rest of Nigel's plan. Welch would not tell me the plan, I am not sure why, but I can only guess that I wouldn't agree with it or it puts someone in danger."

"Well, let's get going. Can you get Gail to help Ana. I can pack my own bags. Let Sawyer know we will be leaving as soon as Stephen arrives. You and Gail will be flying with us."

"Yes sir. Charlie Tango should be here in about thirty minutes."

"Then let's get moving."

We get going, I head to my bedroom where Ana is resting on our bed, her eyes are closed, I think she is actually asleep. I will let her sleep for a few more minutes before I wake her. Gail enters and I hold my finger to my lips to let her know that Ana is sleeping. She nods and heads for the closet to start packing her bags. I just stand and look at my beautiful wife sleeping.

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