Friends into Family

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Trevor POV

I'm sitting next to Mia and I see her messing with her phone. She looks so nervous and I want to make her relax, but not sure how. She makes me nervous, she's so beautiful. Mr Taylor and Mr Grey have asked me to ensure she stays safe while she's in my presence. I don't want to do anything to jeopardize their trust. I am not a bodyguard. Hell I wasn't a bodyguard in the Navy, I was a photographer. I photographed the people who played bodyguard. I tried to let Mr. Taylor know this, but he assured me that it was only temporary. I'm getting room and board plus an extra paycheck for helping out, but that doesn't matter, I keep telling them I'm not a bodyguard. Mr. Taylor knows the training I've had for some reason. He says if Mrs Grey trusts me then he trusts me. I guess for now that should be enough, but I just don't like having to be responsible for another human being, it makes me nervous. I thought she already had body guards.

Mia looks over at me with a question in her big brown eyes.

"Trevor, are you all good?"

"Yes, ma'am I am." Oh my God I sound like an idiot

"Oh OK, so I guess Kate has gone into labor, Elliot is bringing her to the hospital, it's going to be an exciting day for the Grey's."

"Really, time to add an additional member to the family. Do you know what they are having?"

"No it's a huge secret, even they don't know. I have no idea why they don't want to know. If I had a baby, I'd like to know right away what I was having that way I can plan for everything I would need. What about you, would you like to know?"

"Oh I don't know. I used to think knowing would be great, like you said, planning purposes, but I like to have an element of surprise and mystery. There are so few mysteries left in the world."

She looks surprised at my answer, maybe because this is the longest conversation we've ever had together. Maybe she is surprised that a man can think of things like having babies and surprises too. She has no clue that at one time I wanted babies, now I'm not sure I want to bring a baby into this world, after my ex-wife and what I've seen in this world. If the right woman convinced me that a baby could be safe and well loved then yes, a baby would great. I'd love to give a baby my name, but right now I'm not even thinking about children.

"Well, you never know Trevor, you can always change your mind. I don't like mysteries, I love knowing things. Ask my brothers." She giggles and it sounds so adorable.

Mia must have been hell when she was little. Probably tortured her brothers to know all of their secrets. I can't imagine having a little sister like her, I'd be over protective too.

I just smile and sink back into my seat. She goes back to her phone. We aren't far from the hospital. I imagine everyone is going to scatter either to see Kate or Mrs Grey. I wonder what they will need me to do. I feel a bit like a third wheel all of the sudden. I'm glad I packed my camera in my small backpack that I have. I heard there is an indoor atrium with a garden. I planned on taking some closeup pictures of flowers in there for a photography book I wanted to pitch to Mrs. Grey.

I have been taking photos around Seattle of various objects and people. I wanted to see if Mrs Grey would use them as well as some of my combat camera photos in a book that I'd call it "Through the Lens of Combat." I have a lot of pictures from overseas that were not combat related as well. I don't know it just sounded interesting to me, it could be one of those what people call a coffee table book. Of course that would be later and I'm not even sure what Mrs. Grey is going to be able to do now that she's been hurt.

According to Mia she's awake now, which makes me happy, it seems that everyone is in a better mood, lighter in emotions. I'm glad. Dr. Grey was smiling more this morning. I bet she'll really be smiling this evening after Kate gives birth.

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