I Hate Surprises

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Taylor POV

I stare at the menacing package in disbelief. The fact that the thing made it up the service elevator without my knowledge and is now in the foyer is beyond my comprehension at the moment. I'm in full combat mode relying on instinct and training. I don't want any harm to come to those I'm sworn to protect as well as the woman I am in love with, but I cannot think of her for any thoughts of Gail will cloud my judgement. All I can think is danger, red flags are going off inside my head like klaxons on the Starship Enterprise.

Trevor's reaction of slapping Mr. Grey's phone away from his hand as soon as he attempted to call for help brought me out of my funk. It was enough to get me into action. This kid has seen enough damage from bombs, if that is what this is, in his short life that he was smart enough to realize that cell phones could set it off. As long as I've been head of Mr. Grey's security nothing has slipped by me like this, except Leila Williams, she was different, she was having a psychotic break and she was being quite slippery. Whomever this was is not someone to be messed with.

Kerry in our CCTV office is in my earpiece letting me know he has notified Seattle PD and they are on their way with bomb techs. I need to move the Grey's and guests to the secondary panic shelter. Thank goodness the boss is overly paranoid and had the second panic room put in on the opposite end of the apartment.

"Mr. Grey, we need to move your family and guests into the secondary panic room immediately, quietly, without panic. Please have everyone turn their electronic devices off as to not potentially set this off, if it is an incendiary device. Ryan and Sawyer will help with getting everyone settled. I will stand guard with Kerry. Trevor, please leave with Mr. Grey, you are a guest. Please keep Gail calm for me."

"Taylor I need to be present when the police arrive, I do not want Seattle's finest romping around my apartment while I am locked in a panic room with my family and psychiatrist."

"Sir, I am here for your protection, I will carry you myself to the panic room if you do not go if it is the last thing I do. I will ensure the scene is safe and then let you and ONLY you out to speak with the police, is that agreed?" I did not want his attitude with this, I rarely put my foot down with him, but he has never seen anyone blown to bits, it's not pretty and he's my boss, I consider him a friend, I don't want to lose him as that friend, I would be failing in my duties if I didn't protect him 100%.

His face shows his resignation. Trevor had already started to help Sawyer and Ryan usher the rest of the guests to the secondary panic room. Gail had the men grab a couple of trays and some water, that's my smart woman. Poor Mrs. Grey looked so lost and little on the sofa as everyone was leaving her behind, as Mr. Grey saw this he knew he had to leave, everyone one knows better than to touch her without his implicit permission. He bent down and with easy grace picked her up and carried her off to the secondary panic room. He glanced back at me and looked disgustedly at the package.

"Be careful Taylor. Please let me know when the police arrive."

"Yes sir."

As he left I was alone with Kerry in the foyer. It was eerily quiet, I'm one for quiet, but this is one time I'd rather have a little noise, something, maybe a little Puccini to relax me as I wait for the damn Seattle Police to arrive. I start to center myself, relying on my years of training and wisdom, I of course am not panicking, but my heart rate has increased. Any normal human's heart rate would increase if an unexpected package arrived via a means that normal packages are delivered and without a human delivering said package.

While waiting I start to examine the package at little closer. I notice that the writing is similar to the writing that was on the same note that Mrs. Grey received a few days before her accident at SIP that her receptionist and Sawyer managed to divert. This is quite worrying. There is certainly a mad-man that is stalking Mrs. Grey and now he is going as far as to deliver unknown packages to their apartment.

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