Friends, Family, & Fun

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Christian POV

Finally we're home, after weeks of the smell of hospital plaguing my nose. Laying in a horrible blue chair at night. Worrying about my beautiful wife. I am home with Ana. She is radiant, if not for the bulky cast on her right leg. I am just happy to have her safe and sound in our apartment. She looks happy to be home as well.

We probably only have a couple of hours before the rest of the family descends upon us to welcome Ana home, but I plan on making use of those hours to spoil my wife with love. I wonder if she wants a bath or shower. How can I do that with that big ass cast on her leg. This will be interesting. Maybe I should ask Gail for some advice, or my mother.

I carry Ana all the way into the apartment and deposit her into our bedroom. She gives me that look of "why did you bring me in here"

"I figured you would like to have a bath, Ana. I just need to figure out what to do about your cast."

"Just get a couple of  trash bags." She gives me a dumbfounded look, she's obviously known someone with a cast before.

"I will see what Gail can do about that, how did you know about the trash bags?"

"I broke my arm when I was in middle school and had to use trash bags when I took showers. It was a pain in the ass."

Hmm so my clumsy girl has broken bones before, well for once her clumsiness comes in handy. I call Gail to bring us a couple of plastic bags.

"I will run you a nice bath, just relax. The family will be here in a couple of hours. I hope you are up for some company?"

Her face brightens, I don't know if it's for the bath or family, or just the fact it's because we are here in our home together.

"Thank you Christian, a bath would be wonderful. Can you help me. I guess we can wrap my leg and have it prop up on the edge of the tub as well."

"Of course sweetheart, I plan on getting in the tub with you. We can relax until our family arrives. Be prepared to be spoiled until you are completely healed."

I go start our bath, I want to make sure it's not as hot as we usually make it, so as not to harm the babies, but also to not over sensitive Ana's skin. I pour some jasmine scented foaming bath oil. I hear Gail in our bedroom while I'm working on the bath. I hear Ana giggle, Gail must have said something funny, I can only imagine what they are talking about in there.

I come out of the bathroom sans shirt, I'm ready to enjoy a relaxing bath with my beautiful wife. My aching body needs it as well, I may have to hire a masseuse to come give us both a massage in the coming days, sooner than later if my back doesn't get out of the funk it's feeling from that damn ugly ass blue chair. I plan on speaking to my mother about replacing all of those ugly ass things in every room in the ICU. No one needs to endure them ever! Until I can get a proper massage I will have Claude come over and give me a good yoga workout, hopefully that will help.

"Thank you Gail for the bags. I'm not exactly sure what to do with them, but Ana seems to know what to do."

"Oh I can help, I've had friends and roommates break bones, the trick is to make sure you get a good seal at the openings so no water gets in. Luckily Ana is only wearing the cast for a couple of weeks, it shouldn't get too itchy or smelly, if any water were to get inside. I brought three bags, two to put on and one to tie up the whole thing. Let me see you leg Ana. Watch what I do, in case you want to try to do it, Mr. Grey. If not, you can always call me in to wrap up Ana's leg. You have to remember, every time she goes near water, the shower and bath."

"Thank you Gail, that's so kind of you. I am hopefully getting Ana a private nurse from the hospital. That should ease some of your duties, and that way Ana can do her therapy and be a little more mobile, and you will be able to continue your duties as head housekeeper."

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