Can this Happen to Us

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Trevor POV:

I leave SIP with a lighter heart than when I went. Mrs. Grey really seems like she wants to publish my book, but she also seems to care about me. It was really nice of her to bring in other military veterans as well. Though I have no clue who that British dude was, I doubt he has military experience, he was really quiet, more observant than anything. He probably was there to help her with editing, but I got a shrink vibe off of him. He does seem cool, so maybe he can help me too. All I have is my writing and my dogs right now. I didn't even look at the payment Mrs. Grey gave me either, I really need that, rent is due, I need food and so do the dogs. I also noticed her sister-in-law, Mia, the name is so exotic. She probably wouldn't take a second glance at me.

My first stop is to the bank, I need to deposit this check that Mrs. Grey gave me. I don't waste my money and I'm sure it's not much. I mean all I've done is submit a few chapters of dribble to her, and I'm sure they have given her some pretty bad nightmares. I feel bad because I just need to get this all out. If I hadn't seen some of my best friends killed in Iraq I probably wouldn't need to write at all.

I park in one of the lucky spots in front of the bank. My '88 Mustang has been with me for years and I take care of it, but it does need a bit of work. I'm glad it looks rugged, no one has ever tried to break into it or steal it. I head into the bank and grab a deposit slip. I hadn't even opened the envelope that Mrs. Grey's assistant, Hannah, gave me. So I tear it open to fill out the deposit slip and about faint in the bank. I let out an audible gasp. My mom taught me better than to curse in public but my mind is turning circles. I need to call Mrs. Grey. I think she must have misplaced a zero or something. $3,500 is too much for what I've provided. I take out my one luxury, my cell phone and dial SIP, Mrs. Grey's assistant answers on the second ring.

"SIP, Hannah speaking how my I help you?"

Her voice is calm and sweet. I am nervous and not sure what to say. I almost stutter.

"Umm, hello Hannah, this is Trevor, Trevor MacGrill, I just left about ten minutes ago. Mrs. Grey gave me a check and I think there is an error."

"Oh, hello, Mr Mac Grill, Mrs. Grey left for the day already, but I'm sure I can help you. What is wrong with the check, is your name spelled incorrectly?"

"No, there is to many zero's, I think she meant to only give me $350 not $3500."

"Ohhh, no Mr. MacGrill, Mrs. Grey told me specifically that you were to be cut a check for $3500, I'm the one who cut your check, sir. The amount is correct. She said we are publishing your book and this is the beginning balance. You are to be paid again in two weeks the same amount. If you like we can set you up with direct deposit next time you come in so you won't have to go to the bank, unless you like waiting in lines at the bank."

"Are you serious, Hannah? I am going to have to talk to Mrs. Grey about this matter, it is too much."

"Sir, I wouldn't argue with Mrs. Grey over this, trust me, she is quite stubborn, and she insisted that your book will sell and be a leader in our Veterans Book Series here at SIP. She really wanted you to be paid well for your services."

"If you are sure, Hannah, but for now I will have a check, but I will talk to you Mrs. Grey at our next meeting regarding my pay. Please tell her I said thank you."

"I will Mr. MacGrill, have a great day, Good bye."

"Good bye"

I'm in shock, not only will I have money for rent, but I will be able to have food for my dogs and myself. I can actually do some repairs on the car and save for a better place to stay as well. This is a blessing for me. I'm so glad I picked SIP to publish my book.

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