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Christian POV

Boys we're having boys. The look in Ana's eyes probably reflects my own, pure joy.

I knew it! I made boys, yes, me, I made boys with Ana. My name will continue to live on through our sons. I can already see my future boys growing up, wearing little mini Armani suits, riding around in mini toy Audi's with their names on the plates.

Paula wipes Ana's belly so there is no goop left. All she needs to now is get dressed once Taylor arrives with her belongings. We can't stop looking at each other, we are more than excited to be having boys, it's what we wanted, though we would have been happy with girls, we are more than happy with boys.

"So Ana, I know Dr. Lockewood is going to remove your cast in two weeks, so I can schedule you to come in the same day for a check up as well, that way you can have both appointments taken care of and not have to keep returning to the hospital for multiple appointments. How does that sounds for you."

"Thank you Dr. Greene, that will be perfect for us." I let her know. Ana just looks at me and beams.

"Your appointments will given to you with your discharge paperwork and meds. I've already the orders in for additional prenatal vitamins for you, and Dr. Lockewood also put in some pain medication in for you as well as some anti inflammatory medicine. None of the medication will be harmful for the babies. As soon as the medication arrives, the discharge nurse will be in to get you out of here."

Ana smiles at the sound of leaving. Our staff has already cleared out Ana's room. I can see Taylor arrived with her belongings. He's been waiting in the hallway for the doctor and Paula to leave so he can come in and we can get out of here.

"That sounds great doctor, how long do you think that will take for everything to be completed. Taylor is here, so the sooner the better."

"It shouldn't be too long. We will leave now, so that Ana can get ready to leave. I will see you both in two weeks. If you have any questions before then I know you have my number, please feel free to ask."

"Thank you."

They leave and doesn't take the ultrasound equipment. I'm guessing they will take everything after Ana leaves. As soon as they leave, Taylor gives his little "I'm here" cough and enters.

"Hello sir, ma'am. I have a going home outfit for you Mrs. Grey. Gail picked it out. She said it would probably the most comfortable going home outfit for you. I hope she is right."

He hands me the bag that Gail packed. I wonder what Gail picked out for Ana, I can only imagine. I just hope that Taylor's big paws didn't go through the bag afterwards. Now that Gail is so helpful with Ana's stuff, I don't need Taylor packing or even touching Ana's under clothing. I have no doubt he misses it, but I also don't have a doubt that Gail doesn't miss him touching her stuff either. Gail has been possessive over him since they started dating and now that they are married she's really developed a sense of possessiveness I've never seen in her. Not that she has anything to worry about. Taylor is all hers, sure I get jealous when he went through Ana's undies, and I can imagine he rather enjoyed it, what man wouldn't, but Gail is not a bad looking lady, for Taylor. They are a beautiful couple. I'm very lucky to have them.

"Thank you Taylor, is everything ready at the apartment for us to be home?"

"Yes, your parents are aware of Ana's discharge, as is Ray, he said to let him know as soon as you are ready for company and he will be up. Miss Mia is still at the apartment. She is still staying in the guest room. When I told her Ana was coming home, she insisted on staying until you arrived."

Taylor rolls his eyes, a feat that looked almost hilarious if it wasn't so ridiculous of Mia. We all know Mia, she's a pest even in her 20s, there is really nothing we can do about her. I pity the man who is to be her husband. Well, I do pity him since he'll go through MY inquisition first, if he passes that then I really pity him. If he can put up with Mia's ways and my background checks, then he deserves Mia.

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