Hot Tempers

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Unsub POV

The expectation of having little Annie Steele in my possession was thwarted once again by Grey's damn security detail. I tried to destroy at least one or two of them but somehow they managed to figure out that my little gift was a rouse. I don't know what went wrong, she was supposed to come running out of the building and I was going to take her away. That did not happen. I can't wrap my head around what went wrong. Package went up the elevator, I know it was delivered. I waited across the street to see when everyone would come out, they never came. The police and their bomb squad did instead. Then the press came and it became an utter circus in front of Grey's fortress. Never did anyone come out though. Why did they stay in the building. Even a bomb threat would make someone get out, but Grey put little Annie Steele in danger. What is his game.

I see the bomb techs haul my little surprise outside in one of their special boxes and blow it to bits in the street. They waited to blow it up until after they took photographs and what I'm assuming prints. I laugh because they won't get any prints because I used gloves, stupid ass police think they are going to catch me. I think they x-ray my surprise too, but who cares they aren't going to get shit on me, I'm uncatchable.

Since I realize that little Annie Steele isn't going to make a presence tonight I head to my car and make my way to my hotel. I need to formulate a new plan on how to get little Annie Steele out of her glass prison that is Christian Grey. I will make my plans and be back later after I've made plans on how to get in and get little Annie Steele out of the building. Maybe come back on Monday when Grey goes to work and takes some of his goons with him, that way there is less security to guard little Annie Steele, should be much easier for me to get in and get out with her. Heck it should be pretty damn easy really. He looks like he only has three or four goons anyway and I can take out anyone who is in my way. Yes, yes, Monday when he goes to work I will make my move. Until then I will rest in my hotel room and make plans for me and little Annie Steele.

I head off toward the hotel I booked which is on the other side of town, far from his glass prison. I need to get some food, then a shower and catch whatever sports program is on TV to accommodate my mind. I'm fairly sure my father is looking for me to call him too. Just to be sure I'm staying out of trouble. Ha ha, Oh daddy I'm staying out of trouble. Little does he know he's going to have a daughter-in-law soon. I just have to get her first, get her out of the country and marry her ass. Then get her knocked up and make her mine, all mine. I'm going to show her that Grey is not what she needs. I just need to get paperwork and tickets. Maybe I should work on that this weekend too while waiting for Grey's ass to go to work on Monday. Yes, yes, that is what I will do too. Oh little Annie Steele you are going to be all mine and Grey is going to never know what hit his stupid ass.

Welch POV

Between Mr. Grey having me investigate this damn stalker that Mrs. Grey has, investigate this new writer that is hanging around Mrs. Grey, and now trying to get more security background checks I'm lacking sleep.  I really need to bring in more investigators to work with me, but I'm not even sure Mr. Grey would be appreciative of me doing so. He's a very close minded man when it comes to his privacy and I understand that, but at least I'm not doing background checks on potential submissives any longer. Though he does have me keeping track of what Leila Williams is doing still, I guess that is for his "protection" or for Mrs. Grey's protection. Though I have no idea why, the girl is now in a rather happy relationship. She's engaged to be married and is actually much better than she's ever been. Though I have a feeling she is going to be contacting him about attending her wedding, I don't think that will be happening. The man she is with, whom I already did a background check on is in the military and is well centered and taking great care of her. I've already reported this to him. Just not the engaged part.

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