Family is More Than Blood Sometimes

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Grace POV

Christian comes into the waiting room and the expression on his face is not one I was expecting. The entire family is here. Cary has been holding my hand for the last hour comforting me. I told him we were potentially going to be grandparents but I was unsure. I didn't tell anyone else that was for Christian to tell. John Flynn also had arrived, he has looked concerned not only for Ana but for Christian's mental welfare as well. I gave him a quick update to her status, leaving out the fact she was pregnant. I think Christian would discuss that with him as well. Taylor and Gail as well as the rest of Christian's security detail were either in the waiting room or milling about in the hall, though Sawyer was standing guard outside of Ana's room. Ray had been brought up from his room by his nurse, he was with a friend of Ana's, apparently a writer who she has brought under her wing. Mia was over with both of them talking to them as well. Kate and Elliot were resting in the corner. Kate needs to rest she is getting far along in her pregnancy, she is due in a month so she is tired and carrying around a developing human is hard work. My whole family is here for Ana, I can only hope she knows we are waiting on her. It's Christian at the door that stops all conversations. His expression stops us all.

"Christian, how is Ana," I ask?

"Well everyone please sit, you need to because I have some news. Unbelievable news."

He sits between me and Cary, which is a first for us and wraps his arms around our wastes drawing us closer to him. Maybe he needs to feel our bond, maybe he's just needing more comfort.

"Well, bro what gives." Elliot always the anxious one, can't let his little brother relax for a minute.

"Well big brother, I finally am joining you in the daddy department."

Kate looks astonished and smiles so wide. I have tears in my eyes, the baby is safe. Everyone wants to get up and congratulate him, but he holds up his hands.

"Well, I am actually going to beat you Lelliot, because Ana and I are having twins!"

Everyone gasps, Gail, Kate and I are full on crying now. Thank goodness our men are well trained and have handkerchiefs handy each one of them hand us one.

"Oh my goodness, Christian, how do you feel about this, son? Twins! Do you know how far along Ana is and are they fraternal or identical or the sex?" Carrick is full of questions.

"Whoa slow down dad, Ana is about two almost three months, the babies are identical and we can't tell the sex yet, soon but not yet."

I can see how proud Christian looks, he's so happy. Though I can still see the worry behind his eyes, it's either for Ana or for fear that he's going to make mistakes as a parent.

Ana's friend pushes Ray over to see Christian, Ray looks ecstatic, of course he should, it's his first grandchild, not child but children. I know I was over the moon when Kate and Elliot told me they were having a baby, so I know he's beyond happy.

"Ray, congrats Grandpa! Guess that means you're going to have to move up here permanently huh. So you can be near your grand babies. I bet Ana would love that as well."

"Ya know Christian I think that may be a good idea, as soon as I get out of this prison oh I mean hospital."

Christian notices Ana's friend finally, and they make their introductions. I hear his name is Trevor MacGrill and he was in the Navy as a photographer. I find him interesting, he looks somewhat familiar though, I wonder if I know his parents. I will have to speak with him later.

"Well, since we all know Ana is in good hands and Cary, Ray and I are going to be grandparents, why don't we all just go to Bellvue for the evening for some light dinner. Trevor, you are more than welcome to attend, you are family now. Ray, I'm sure we can maybe even sneak you out. I'm a doctor, I think I might be able to pull some strings for a night out, as long as we bring your nurse and have you back tonight. Christian, I know you will want to stay, so it's alright, I will have someone bring you a change of clothes and food."

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