Anxious Waiting

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Taylor POV

The first thing I hear is Mrs. Grey's anxious screams coming from his office. I've heard his nightmares and I've heard him while doing what he did with his subs, heck I've even heard him and Mrs. Grey from time to time. This time I knew there was something off in those screams. I instantly knew there was an emergency and had Andrea dial an ambulance and Mr. Grey's mom, she's a great doctor and knew she would be on hand when we got to the ER. Never did I expect to see Mrs Grey sprawled out on Mr Grey's office floor knocked out bleeding from her head, I wasn't sure what other injuries she had, but I didn't want to move her. Mr. Grey was out of his mind. I've never seen him cry before and I could see he was on the verge of tears, I needed to get him in the right frame of mind before the emergency crews arrived, plus I needed to assess Mrs. Grey as well, he was going to have to let me touch her, and I wasn't sure he would allow me. I noticed Sawyer had already entered Mr. Grey's office which indicated the outside staff had called and the building would be cleared from elevator to ground floor allowing no one to see Mrs. Grey in any state. Of course no would get near her with Sawyer and I on the job.

"Mr Grey, I need to do a quick assessment of Mrs. Grey if you will allow me, sir. I just want to make sure her airway is clear and that her neck is not broken from her fall. I'm going to have to touch her, sir. You won't have to move. The emergency crew has been called, they will be here soon, sir. You will be allowed to ride with her in the ambulance as well sir. I'm sure as soon as the press gets wind of an ambulance pulling up in front of Grey House they will start hounding us. I can have Andrea get in touch with PR to ensure nothing is leaked that it was Mrs. Grey that was injured."

"Thank you Taylor, yes that will be fine. Please make sure Ana is ok. I will talk to Andrea, you take care of Ana. I need to right myself. Taylor, you are a good man."

I see he's coming around, becoming the CEO that I know so well. He still looks in utter shock, but not devastated like I saw when I entered his office. I start by checking Mrs. Grey's pulse, it's very weak. Her head is bleeding and is swelling in the front where she must have smacked it against the marble floor. By the time I've finished my initial assessment the EMTs have arrived. Of course the fire department and police come as well. It's protocol and I explain this to Mr Grey who,has a mild look of disgust at all of the unnecessary people crowding the 20th floor. What he also doesn't realize is they will give a ring of extra protection against paparazzi for him and Mrs Grey.

            The EMTs begin to work on Mrs Grey quickly, they place a C-Collar on her and start an IV unfortunately they completely ruin her clothing by cutting her blouse to put heart monitor leads on her. I can see the anger rising in Mr Grey so I take him to the side so he can talk to one of the other emergency techs, hopefully what he witnessed will help with Mrs Grey's treatment.

     "Taylor do they really have to disrobe her? This is rather embarrassing for her!" His tone is angry and desperate. I need to calm him down before he goes off on one of these EMTs and scares the shit out of them.

      "Yes Mr. Grey they need to give her the quickest and best treatment, if you don't believe me, ask your mom. Sir, they won't do anything to her that either Sawyer or I won't let them, we will put them on the ground before they can harm her."

       I see him relax. For some reason I know the right words to keep him calm in stressful situations, sometimes, this just happens to be one of them for once.

       The EMTs load Mrs Grey onto a gurney and are ready to take her to the hospital. She still hasn't regained consciousness which is really bothering me, I've been knocked out before but came to fairly quickly, this is not looking to good.

       "Taylor, I'm going to ride with Ana, please follow us and let my mother know we are on the way."

        "Yes, Sir."

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