Fresh Faces

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Grace POV

Kate has been in labor for about fifteen hours so far. Her mom is getting worried about her getting too tired, I'm right there with her, she looks exhausted. Elliot is even getting exhausted as well. I've told him to rest as much as he can. Even Christian has sat with Kate for a bit to give Elliot a bit of a break. As of her last check she's only dilated to about 8cm, her doctor wants to see how she's doing in an hour. If she makes no progress, she will suggest a c-section. Elliot is ready now for one, Kate of course wants to wait. She's had the epidural so she is doing great pain wise. This at least gives Christian a good idea of what labor will be like, though I'm sure they will probably have a c-section, but who knows Ana is a stubborn girl.

I decide to walk around the hospital to pass the time. Ana is sleeping. She is doing well, I've already checked on her a few times today as well. She really wanted to be up with her best friend while she was in labor. She has been passing on her love and well wishes to Kate with everyone who has visited. She's now sleeping so soundly in her room, with Christian sleeping beside her in this awful blue chair. I've often wondered how long he would be sleeping beside her while she was here, but he's been right beside her the whole time. Even in the horrible and uncomfortable blue ICU chairs, he's right there beside her, holding her hand as she sleeps.

Carrick and I had dinner in the staff lounge, even though our sons insisted we could go out and they would call us if anything changed in either of their wives. Both of our beautiful daughter-in-laws are here in the hospital, both pregnant with our grandchildren, though Kate will be having our first in a few hours. We didn't mind eating hospital food, we've had many dinner and lunch dates in hospital cafeterias. He's down in my office resting while waiting on Kate and Elliot's baby to arrive. Kate's parents are in the waiting room in labor and delivery, they are exhausted. Christian has offered them a room in his apartment and a driver so they can rest comfortably, but they decided to stay. Mia is back at the apartment, she left earlier along with Trevor, Ana's writer friend.

Apparently, Christian and Trevor walked around the hospital in the afternoon taking photographs in the atrium and of some of the architectural areas through the hospital. I'm sure it was Christian's idea to vet Trevor more as well, especially if he's sticking around so much. I think Christian is starting to like Trevor more the more he talks to him. Had they grown up together, maybe they would have been friends, I sometimes wonder what kind of friends Christian would have had, if Christian hadn't come under Elena's influence. I can never forgive myself for allowing that to happen under my own nose and not know it was happening. I hope one day he can forgive me for letting him suffer for so long. I'm so grateful for Ana coming into our lives.

Elliot is supposed to let everyone know when Kate is close, though Christian said that if he's asleep, let Taylor know. I have a feeling that it won't be much longer. Poor Taylor, I wonder if that man ever really sleeps. I imagine that he's aged before his time working for my son. Christian is the world most worrying person I have ever met. He's going to be three times worse when his twins arrive. I feel bad for Taylor and his team.

....The next morning....

Kate had been in labor all night, but with a little luck and timing her an Elliot delivered the first Grey grandchild. Carrick and I had been napping in my office when Elliot texted me that she had a baby girl. Kate was exhausted but wanted us to come up and take a look at her before she went to sleep. She is so beautiful. Of course we can't tell who she is going to look like right now, but she has a head full of strawberry blonde hair like her moms. They've named her Ava Grace Grey. I just stood there and cried. First Christian names his boat after me and now Elliot names his first child after me. For Carrick and I not being able to have our own children and adopting all three, they have given us so much love back in so many ways. To name a child after me is such an honor. Elliot looks so proud and happy. I almost think he's ready for a second one, but of course Kate is going to put a stop to any plans to that in the near future. I can see they want a big family, even after just having their first one. Kate's parents are so happy for her as well. Her brother just flew in and will be arriving later today after he gets a bit of rest.

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