Exercising Demons for Some of Us

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This chapter is dedicated to my mentor and friend PH1(AW/SW) Robert McRill (US Navy) who lost his life in July 2007 in Iraq when his convoy hit an IED that was hidden. Bobby was a combat cameraman which meant he was on the front lines with Navy SEALS and other troops, taking pictures of the battle, but he also was trained in weapons. Bobby was the first Navy photographer to be killed in action since Vietnam. This is also dedicated to all those who have served or are currently serving. I served for 20 years in the Navy and have been out for a while now, but I still get nightmares and avoid certain situations due to things I've seen in the Navy (yes even Navy people can get PTSD, though I wouldn't say I have PTSD). I am grateful to have served my country. If it had not been for my foster father Laurel Singleton who served in WWII and survived the Pearl Harbor attack I probably wouldn't have joined the Navy. All things come full circle. If you see a person in uniform thank them for their service, if you see a veteran wearing a ball cap, definitely thank them for their service. I am proud to have served and proud to have had the honor to have met Bobby, even for such a short time. I will be addressing some military items, etc in upcoming chapters, it will be an interesting and yet exciting twist for a few characters, especially Mia and Ray. I hope you like this. Thank you to my readers.


Sawyer and I reach SIP in record time. I am guessing that is because he's driving my R8. He's probably going to want to drive me to work in my car from now on, if Christian had his way that will never happen. I'm lucky to actually be working from an office at all.

I greet our new receptionist, she got out of the Air Force three months ago, I hired her only a month ago. I'm trying to be more pro military, especially since Ray and Jose Sr are prior military. I want to show Christian that not all people from the military are killing machines like Taylor and the rest of our security. Her name is Candice, she's really petite, only about five two, I have no idea how she even got in the military, but she said she there were shorter women than her. She has flaming red hair and green eyes that can almost see through your soul. She was in admin when she was in the Air Force, so the transition is easy for her. She has told me that this job is much easier than what she had to do in the Air Force. She seems very happy here, and thus far we've been happy with her. She follows the rules, is always early, and seems quite happy to be dressing in what she calls "fancy civies" everyday. You can hear a slight Southern drawl in her voice, she said she's originally from South Carolina, but had not plans to go back there, she really enjoyed the "left coast" of the United States after being stationed over here. She's having a hard time relearning the lingo of the civilian world, which illicits grins from my security staff whenever she calls an object by its military slang, but Sawyer has been helping her transition. I have a feeling, he'd like to help her transition out of her "fancy civies" as well, but he's too much of a gentleman to dip his pen in the company ink. I give him credit for that.

Candice greets me with a smile and pops up to almost attention when I enter the building. I really need her to just tone that one down a bit, she can be a little more relaxed, but not too relaxed when I enter. I'll let Sawyer know to give her some pointers, maybe he will convey the proper way to greet me.

"Good morning Candice, any calls or messages this morning?"

"Yes ma'am, I have one message for you. The author you have been working with. Mr. MacGrill would like to come in and see you today if it is possible to discuss some of the book. He said he has a few more chapters written as well."

"I will see if I have any meetings and call him back, thank you Candice. Anything else?"

"Oh yes, this card came in for you, but there is no return address, nor was it stamped, it was under the door when I arrived this morning. I think it's rather unusual. Maybe Sawyer should open it before you do ma'am, just as a precaution. No offense, but just call it military second sight, but I would rather be safe than sorry."

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