A Stranger Among Us

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I've been trying to get to her for months now, but all my best efforts have been thwarted by either her persistent husband or that damn security guard of hers. The little letter I left her finally made it to her office and I saw that her receptionist get it and bring into her building so I know she may actually get it this time. Unless her receptionist is smarter than she looks. I mean the woman looks to be only about old enough to barely be working there, so I doubt she's smart enough to not just hand it to her when she gets to work in the morning.

I've been following her for weeks after I dropped off the letter and nothing has changed in her pattern, which tells me she didn't get the letter. I can't believe the people who surround her, protecting her, why her! I swear since I've known her, she's been protected, except when she wasn't around her friends and family. Of course no one she never gave me the time of day, only a smile here and there, but she sure did make a promise that one day she would, and then she had to leave me. The nerve of her, well it's my time to stake my claim and take her back, and once that happens no will be able to get her back. Not even the all powerful Christian Grey, or so he thinks he's all powerful!

When I followed her to her husbands building I was set to confront her when she left for the day, but she never left. Instead an ambulance and police cars rolled up instead. As soon as police came it seemed that the paparazzi arrived. I was able to hide within them and get as many details as possible, which wasn't many. There was an accident on the 20th floor, no one knew anything more than that, not who it was, what happened or anything. Even the ambulance crew wouldn't say anything. They didn't even bring anyone out the front door. Yeah the "all powerful" Grey power must reach beyond just the walls of where the Grey name is located. Well whoever it is must be important otherwise they would have taken their asses out the front door. The paps figure that out too. Some started leaving trying to figure out where the ambulance went. I'm smart enough to figure out that they probably went to mommy's hospital, so that's where I head.

I get there after the ambulance, it's like a full on circus when I get there. Police are everywhere. I don't need to get too close. The last thing I need is to have my face seen and have Grey's men find me. I've changed my look as much as possible, but eyes don't change and that will get me every time, even Grey's men will probably nab me if they find me. Little Annie Steele Grey may not care to remember who I am but I bet if she saw my eyes she'd remember me. I can change my look, I can cut my hair, color my hair, wear hats, disguises, you name it, but my eyes are going to do me in every day. A man with violet eyes will always be an oddity, and well that will be me. Sure I wear colored contacts, when I have to, but even with violet eyes they still have a strange shade to them. I don't have a permanent address either, so getting a steady refill is hard until I get an apartment for Annie Steele and me, until then I have to use a PO Box.

After a day or two I found out that Little Annie was in the hospital. I tried to get to her room, but of course the "all powerful" Christian Grey had not only the hallway guarded, but wouldn't let anyone pass unless they were on a list, that included delivery people. I tried to deliver flowers once, even that tactic didn't work. The guy guarding the door wouldn't let me pass and had someone else come pick up the flowers, and I heard them say they weren't from anyone she knew so they would not be delivering to her room but taking them to someone named Taylor.

I was about to take extreme measures, but when I went back to the hospital she was out of her room and being moved. I tried to get close to her but it was like trying to get close to the Pope, a nearly impossible task. I managed to slip into the elevator on one of the other floors, little did Grey know it was me. It took all of my self control to not reach out and touch her beautiful creamy legs. She looked pretty banged up. I wonder what he did to her, it makes me want to break his legs. I definitely will be taking care of him at a later time, that was my plan all along, but seeing Little Annie Steele like this has cemented my plan.

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