Time's Up

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Unsub POV

I wait silently in the shadows like a thief in the night, but I am that thief in the night. The thief that is going to claim my prize. A prize I've been working my ass off to claim. How was I to know this Grey guys men were so persistent. I mean you would think a bomb going off would scare people, but it didn't do shit. How was I to know he has so many ex-military people on his payroll. I've been watching this place almost tactically now for a couple of days. Grey leaves at the same time every day like clockwork. He is followed by at least one of his goons. I still haven't seen my prize, but that is to be expected if she is still "recovering" and from what I have found out she is still in the apartment laid up. She can't go anywhere without a lot of help. I am in luck. Well, with the luck I've had lately, a little luck, which is why I've been casing the building so hard the last three days. The level of activity has been fairly consistent. I just wondered if they were getting food delivered or if their fridge was overstocked. I haven't seen their maid or whatever that lady is that seems to go everywhere Annie Steele is. I know she is Grey's main henchmen's woman and that is a good piece of information to have. I could snatch her up when she goes out, except they tend to keep her under guard too. That plan is nixed as soon as it forms in my head. From what I gathered there are only guard for Grey and my prize and the when the old maid goes out, they go with her, leaving Annie Steele all alone to fend for herself. If anything, they may have one person left to answer the door or whatever a rich dude does.

I formulate a plan in my head. When I see the old maid leave, I'm going to make my move. So I guess I'm going to have to play more of this damn waiting game. It will be worth it because I'm going to have my prize, and no one will be able to find us afterward.

Strange enough I don't have to wait to long. The next day after deciding what I was going to do, the old maid appears outside with a fold up grocery cart dragging behind her. She's being followed by not one but two security people. They look like they are trying to be nonchalant, trying to blend in with the rest of the crowd, but are totally failing and they know it too. She has a look on her face like she just ate an entire jar of bad lemons, almost like she wants to puke or rip someone's head off, maybe a combination of both. I can't image she's old enough to be pregnant, she's OLD, maybe she is just sick and doesn't want to get groceries. I mean I heard this Grey guy is a total dick. I've read he punched some guy in the face just for looking at Annie Steele, so who knows what he is like with his staff. He's probably an asshole and that's why she has that look on her face. Lady I don't blame you. If I were you I'd spit on his food. Don't worry I'm gonna hook you up. Take your time getting back. I really just want to go up to her and tell her to take her time coming home cuz she's not gonna have one to come home to, but it won't matter. By the time she even has made it back to where she needs to be she wont be bringing THOSE groceries back to the that kitchen.

I wait until the old maid and the goons are a good block away and make my way into the building. I'm prepared for my entry. I've rehearsed all of this. I'm dressed in a nice business suit, I look GREAT. Well groomed, I smell rich, I look like I belong here. No one will notice me. I walk right through the front door. No need for a disguise, no one knows my face. I've got a pair of Oakley's on and Air Pods in my ears and as a woman with a tight ass passes me and winks at me, I push my Oakley's down and do the same. I carry on this disguise until I get to the elevator. I look and realize I need a key card in order to where I need to go, I need to improvise. I go as high as I can and will walk up the fire escape the rest of the way. Ten floors will not kill me. My supplies are already hidden in the fire escape anyway.

The time has come, it's now or never and I'm getting what I came for. I get all of my supplies gathered. My distraction, my disaster maker and I'm ready. I trudge up the last ten flights, I didn't realize how heavy the extra there is fuel is in a case disguised as a Portable physical therapy ultrasound machine and it's making me sweat but completely making me play it off as a nervous new employee. This is going off better than expected.

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