Pancakes and Punches

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I wake to a high pitched wail that is my husband screaming and to Taylor and Kerry running into my bedroom with guns drawn as well as every light in my bedroom being thrown on. I also hear footsteps running down the steps, so either Elliot, Kate, or Trevor has come running too.

Christian is covered in sweat and he's thrashing about so badly that I cannot even approach him. Taylor and Kerry quickly stow their guns. I hear Taylor call Sawyer to come get me, Kerry leaves and Taylor attempts to wake my thrashing husband without getting injured himself.

Only Sawyer and Taylor are ever allowed to physically touch me, per protocol and damned the protocol right now, I'm in a pair of Christians gym shorts and a t-shirt and Sawyer grabs me and the sheets just as a double precaution and does his best to lift me without touching me too much and places me in the sofa in the great room. I am protesting letting the team know that I really need to be with Christian.

"Mrs. Grey, right now please let Taylor handle this, Mr. Grey is a bit, umm un-manned. If you would, I think an emergency call to Dr. Flynn may be in order. Are you allowed to drink tea, I think a glass of tea may be wise for you as well. Once Taylor has calmed Mr. Grey, I am sure he will be out presently."

"Thank you Sawyer, yes please a cup of tea please, and some crackers, I am feeling a bit sick to my stomach right now. Could you also bring a trash bin, just in case, I may throw up. Morning sickness you know."

"Yes ma'am, would you like me to get Mrs. Taylor for you, or Mrs. Elliot Grey, I believe she is awake as well, baby Ava is awake. She was up before Mr. Grey's ummm nightmare."

"If you could get Gail, that would be nice please. Who else is awake Luke, please tell me not the whole household."

He blushes, that gives me the answer I needed. Oh gesh, the whole household is up. Poor Christian. I better call John right away, he will totally understand. Hopefully he will make a house call. Hell he is an expensive charlatan after all, so he better.

"Yes, ma'am. Mr. Grey's brother instantly came running downstairs along with Mr. MacGrill. The security detail assured them all was well, though it took a bit to reassure Mr. Elliot Grey, as he has heard his brother have nightmares before, so he is familiar with how bad they can be. I believe he only went back upstairs because his wife insisted that you would not want him to embarrass his brother. Mr. MacGrill was much easier to convince, as he said he has PTSD and understands that nightmares happen, it's a fact of life, but if there was anything he could do, or if Mr. Grey needed to talk to him about anything he was here for him. I let him know that it wouldn't be necessary, but it was much appreciated. He said to wake him when breakfast was ready or if we needed anything. Kid is smart, knows when not to meddle."

"Thank you Luke. Also thank you for the tea and for ensuring I was properly covered as well. Christian will appreciate it when he's recovered. Please to tend to him and Taylor. I will call Dr. Flynn now."

Sawyer leaves, I dial John on my cell, and he answers on the third ring. I hate waking him up. I know he has a family, but when Seattle's wealthiest man is in the middle of a crisis, he needs his psychiatrist.

"Ana, is everything all right? I'm assuming it is not otherwise you would not be calling me at 530 in the morning."

"I'm so sorry John, and it's the weekend, I am truly sorry. It's Christian" I start to cry, I try to keep it together but between hormones, being injured, and to top it off shoved into a damn confined panic room with about ten other people this evening my nerves are also on edge maybe I need a session with the illustrious Dr. Flynn too. I can't keep the tears from flowing "he's had a terrible nightmare. It was so bad that he woke the entire household. Sawyer had to carry me out of my own bedroom. Taylor and Sawyer are still in there with him and I'm out here in the great room wrapped in a blanket on the chaise drinking tea calling you because he needs you right now. I think he's having a breakdown John. I've never heard him wail so loudly ever. It was horrible. I imagine my neighbors probably heard it, luckily we are in the penthouse. Can you come here, please. I don't even know if Taylor has calmed him down yet. The last I saw he was thrashing so badly and sweating it looked like he was fighting for his life."

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