Expensive Charlatan Comes to the Rescue

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Dr. Flynn POV

I arrived at Christian and Ana's apartment as quickly as I could, I could tell by the panic and emotion in Ana's voice it was quite serious. After last nights events I imagined I may get a call but not this quickly. It must have hit Christian pretty hard. When I arrived I see Ana passed out on one of the sofa's with Gail and a couple of the security team helping her. She must have just fainted.

"Oh Dr. Flynn, thank goodness, Ana just fainted, do you mind if you quickly check on her."

"Let me check her pulse Gail. She is pretty pale too. Why don't you call Christian's mom, see if she can come over and ensure she's doing all right."

I check Ana's pulse and it's a bit weak, I'm glad that I asked for Grace to come check her out. Ana comes to as I'm checking her pulse and insists that I check on Christian, she's such a sweet woman. She's right, but she also needs to have a conversation with me too. I can see the worry on her face, the emotion in her voice from earlier. My main concern is for Christian at the moment, especially after seeing the concern in Ana's eyes.

"Ana, I'm going to see Christian now, you rest. Dr. Grey will be here to make sure you are all right." I leave without hearing her response.

I enter their bedroom and find it completely disheveled. Taylor and Sawyer are breathing heavily and Christian is in a corner looking like he ran a marathon at a sprint as then went ten rounds with a pro boxer. Taylor looks pretty banged up, he's covered in emerging bruises, scratches and what looks to be a black eye forming. He looks like he took the brunt of whatever happened. Sawyer doesn't look to bad, just a couple bruises here and there and a nasty cut on his cheek. I give them both a look and they leave the bedroom, they know that Christian and I need to be alone for any progress to happen right now. He's awake, embarrassed, hurting and probably really confused. Sawyer leaves immediately, I think he's fine with leaving his boss after what he witnessed, Taylor is in total protection mode, and will put his life on the line for Christian, he has and won't leave until Christian tells him to leave. I respect that. Taylor continues to stand his ground protectively over Christian, though I am not sure if he's protecting Christian or protecting Christian from himself right now.

Christian finally looks up, almost childlike, but at the same time with a deep understanding at the situation and in a voice that is barely audible to Taylor "Please Jason, ensure Ana is well. I am so sorry my friend, can you forgive me."

Taylor's shock is registered and his face breaks from all protocol and he bends down to help Christian up, knowing that touch is not allowed, yet Christian allows it, and physically carry him to his bed. The exhaustion written all over both mens bodies. As he sets Christian on the bed Taylor winches from the pain of many bruises, but maintains strict decorum as much as he can. He gives Christian a friendly look. As he gets ready to leave Christian reaches up and again asks Taylor for his forgiveness once again. Taylor embarrassingly coughs and lets Christian know that he holds no grudges.

I go sit next to Christian on his bed, this is not our usual arrangement, but for once I feel that Christian needs to actually have me near him. He looks at me and groans..

"Oh John, everything is so fucked up right now. Did I hurt Ana, please tell me I have been dying a thousand deaths since I have fully come to wondering if I hurt her, then Taylor and Sawyer wouldn't let me go to her. Please tell me is she all right."

"Christian she is fine, Sawyer carried her out of her as soon as he could. Your mom is on her way to ensure she is all right too, she fainted earlier, apparently she had a bit of morning sickness and it was a bit much for her. I had Gail call your mother to come ensure she was fine. I did a quick assessment and her pulse was getting stronger. I wouldn't have left her to come see you if I thought there was any danger. Now let's take care of you my friend. Tell me what is bothering you, start from the beginning."

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