Chapter 16, The real (Y/n) (L/n) is back

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-=+=(Y/n) POV=+=-

The smoke started to clear, while a figure began to become more and more visible. It was G!Sans. His right eye was glowing a transparent yellow, while he wore a manic smile. Their was rubble where the park gate was supposed to be and a demon, goat skull seemed to be floating behind him. Sweat trickled down my (S/c) skin, screams echoing behind me. I turned around in a hurry and out of pure worry for my friends, their were stuck in cages. Made out of bones. I whipped around to face G!Sans again, though he was smiling like a maniac he had transparent yellow tears castigating from his eyes. The colours around us drained, Frisk told me about these... I have entered... a FIGHT.
"G!Sans! Unhand my friends NOW! Please, I can forgive you! Lets stop this!" I yell, holding back tears. If he doesn't, I'll be forced to fight him... won't I?
"WHY SHOULD I? HAHAHAHA! THIS IS YOUR END (Y/N) AND I DON'T WANT YOUR STUPID AND IDIOTIC FRIENDS GETTING MY WAY, PREPARE TO DIE (Y/N!) I'm so sorry..." He yelled, voice echoing. Almost sounding godly, but near the end his voice turned into a whisper and those words stuck in my head and kept replaying "I'm so sorry..." I brushed it off and got into my battle stance.
"Then you leave me no choice..." I replied, tears threatening to spill.


Bones instantly starting flying at me, I managed to dodge them all. More of those skulls appearing shooting at me, firing yellow-lazer like energy. I tried using mercy.
"Please G!Sans, Lets put this all behind us Please I... I-" I tried to spit out the words, but just couldn't so I stopped myself from saying them. I heard the screams behind me getting louder, I turned and saw my friends 'cages' got smaller. 
"PLEASE! YOUR MERCY IS NOTHING TO ME... BUT, CARRY ON BEGGING. I LIKE IT! Please... run!" He replied, I let tears fall. While is he being horrible and then... trying to help? It makes NO SENSE!
He threw more attacks and I got more tired and tired from dodging... and then it happened, he stabbed me right in the stomach with a bone. I fell onto my knees, clutching my stomach. The last thing I heard was a menacing laugh and I blacked out.








But, I didn't die... well... I didn't feel like I died. No. I started to remember things, now I know why everyone seems familiar! The dream about Toriel, that wasn't just a dream That happened! The Papyrus and Sans 'Imagination' thing.... A memory! 


Me and Toriel was in a purple room, she was hugging me tight.
"My child," She spoke. "Please, Be careful out there... remember, once you leave you CANNOT come back... I shall miss you." She finished. I nodded, while tears rolled down my face. I faced the door while Toriel walked away. I wiped my tears away and open the door and walked through. I saw a grass patch like when I first fell, and saw that flower there...
"Clever. Verrrryyy clever."

~Memory Over~


"Hey Grillbz, have you seen Papy or Sans?" I questioned, a frantic lays apon my face. I've been looking everywhere all day for them so I was pretty exhausted. Grillby just shook his head. I just nodded in response and walked back to the Skele-bro's house.... empty... house. I walked in and closed the door behind me as I slid down the door, head in knees and began crying.
"Cry baby~" I heard a voice say, I looked up and saw HER.
"YOU!" I yelled, scrambling to my feet and stopping the flow of my tears.
"Listen, wanna know where they are? Because I know~" She smiled.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THEM?!" I snarled viciously, I was ready to KILL her.
"Nothing~ There in the void, 'G!Sans' Is trying to get them out~" She cooed, who on earth was G!Sans?! "Listen, I could help them out.... if you do a favour for me~" She stated, holding her hand out. "Deal?" She questioned, I thought for a moment... if this is the only way I can save my friends... so be it.
"D-Deal..."  I agreed, about to grab her hand when there was a flash of light... and a milky white portal opened and out fell Sans...

The girl ~=~Gaster!Sans X Depressed!Reader~=~ #Wattys2016 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now