His Accident

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Alvin's P.O.V

I had just finished singing 'Hall of Fame' to everyone in the bar. I had made a video and everything for Johnny. He had a rough past, and I didn't want to see like a total typical popstar and not care.

The truth is, I did care. He was the best friend of my husband, and if we didn't get along, I knew Slade would be mad or upset.

Getting off the table, I went to go give the DJ back the mic when another chipmunk walked past me and growled.

I just looked at him confused, then went to get a drink.

Once I turned around, my eyes widened. I saw Slade, and the chipmunk who had growled at me...kissing.

Dropping the glass, I quickly ran out of the bar as tears welled in my eyes.

As I kept running, it started raining and it made me not be able to see.

Still running and crying, I looked up and my eyes widened. Heading straight for me were two lights.

I tried to stop myself, but the wet road made me slip and fall.

My body was crushed as the truck ran over me.

The last thing I knew was I was tossed on the grass with every part of my body hurting...

...then everything went black...

Part 2 anyone?

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