Chapter 6

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Hey guys!

I am pretty bummed that there weren't much reads for the last chapter and no comments. But NEVERTHELESS, I will still update :)

Please comment :D

Julia :B


Chapter 6

Alex explained that all the buildings around Main Field (the big field from the window) were connected so you wouldn’t get lost. After the girls’ dorm was the boy’s dorm, then the library. The library was a tall building that was mostly glass. It was about 3 levels high with a glass dome on top. It was brightly illuminated by the sun. It looked like a place where I’d most likely chill most of the time.

Then, we reached the cafeteria. The cafeteria was in the building where most of the classes were. It was called Main Building. The cafeteria was the whole first floor. The higher floors were the classrooms. The cafeteria was huge; many students were hanging out there. The cafeteria actually was like many different shops, some were Western cuisine, and some were Japanese buffets and more. Alex brought me to the higher floors. The classes seemed big and nice.

After that was the sports hall. It was huge. On the first floor was the gym, and then on the second floor were the courts. On the highest floor was the swimming pool. There was a mini bar there too. The roof was glass and could be opened and closed just in case it rained.

Then, we came across the hall, Main Hall. It was the place where the assemblies and functions were mostly held. It was vast and empty when we were there. A huge chandelier hung from the high ceiling. The glossy hardwood floors looked well-maintained and almost scratch-free.

Lastly, we reached the Multi-Purpose Building. These were where the Music Room, Drama Room, Dance Room and rooms like that were. It was pretty cool. I found this building and the Library my favourite. The Nurse was here too.

Alex had his shoulder slung around me the whole time. It felt nice to be with him. He was so comforting. After a while, we arrived back at the cafeteria. He looked to me.

  “I know you’re hungry, we skipped lunch.” He stated simply. “Let’s go have Japanese. I know it’s your favourite.”

  “You know me too well,” I giggled. We went to the Japanese buffet restaurant.

The food was very good. It was the best Japanese food I’ve ever eaten. The price was reasonable too. We shared the bill, even though Alex wanted to pay. He was almost getting away with it before I stuffed my share into the waitress’s hands. Alex looked at me dumbstruck. I smirked.

Then, as we were waiting for the very little change that Alex insisted on waiting on, somebody found us.

  “Alex!” A deep male voice said. We both whipped our heads to the entrance. I froze. There stood two gorgeous guys. One had golden brown hair that was a little long. The other had dark brown hair that was a bit spiky. They were both very hot.

  “Hey guys!” Alex said, doing one of those manly hugs with both of them. “What are you doing here?”

  “We were just walking around and we spotted you and…” The golden brown haired boy said, eyeing me.

  “Oh this is Rose, she’s my best friend.” Alex pulled me up and slung a shoulder around me.

  “Alex, it’s your first day and you’re making best friends with the pretty girls?” The golden brown haired boy said jokingly.

  “Nah, she’s my neighbor in Crimson.” He turned to me, “Rose, this is Chase and that’s Jake.”

  “Nice to meet you, Rose,” Chase shook my hand, and then quickly kissing it. I blushed.

  “God, Chase.” Jake said, after staying silent the whole time. His voice was deep and husky.

  “Oh he speaks at last!” Chase exclaimed, patting him on the back. Jake scowled.

  “So how’ve you guys been?” Alex said, arm still intact on me.

  “Same old, same old,” Jake said. Chase murmured something about the same.

They seemed to be engaged in their own conversation, so I decided to leave to the library.

  “Guys, I guess I’ll be off to the library, so if you need me, you know where to find me.” I smiled and left.

I remembered the way to the library, or so that was what I thought. I remembered passing the Main Hall then I was at a corridor. Shit.

  “The library’s to your left. Go down the stairs and go straight.” A deep voice said. Jake. I looked to my left and saw him.

  “O-Oh, thanks.” I said. I straightened my shirt and walked pass him. But when I walked pass him; he put out his hand to stop me, his touch shocking me.

  “Next time ask your pretty boy to guide you if you aren’t sure,” His husky voice lingers in my head. His breath sending shivers down my spine.

  “Alex gave me a tour, I just got lost.” I stated.

  “You’re so stupid.” He said, releasing his hand.

  “I am not!” I said.

  “Just don’t get lost.” He said, now both of us facing each other.

  “Why do you care?” I shot back, getting angrier.

  “You wouldn’t want Alex to worry, would you?” He said, smirking.

  “Of course not,” I muttered before walking away.

He was such a jerk, a very insanely hot jerk. 

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